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Dante's Inferno Research Paper

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In Dante’s Inferno, there are nine circles of Hell. But there is this outer layer right before the first circle, where the souls are rejected by both Heaven and Hell. After reading the famous words, “Abandon every hope, all you who enter,” (p.14 line 9) Dante and Virgil enter this lonely land of indecisive souls. To me, this is the worst layer of Hell. There is so many horrid things within this layer of Hell and throughout this paper I will argue why I think this is the worst part of Hell.
The opening of Canto III starts with bold-capitalized words on a sign at the gates of Hell. This sign is very dark and as Dante says the words are “cruel.” As Dante and Virgil walk past through the gates they enter the place of the rejected souls. Souls of …show more content…
They wander around blindly around the edge of hell. Virgil tells Dante about how the souls for the rest of their existence all they have to do is think about their life choices. These souls have to exist with envy for the lives they could have had. All they can do to “pass time” is to think about all of the choices they could have made in life that would have changed their fate. Virgil also added that no one from the living world will ever remember them (p.15 lines 46-51). The souls have to exist with their memories from their lives forever, knowing that no one in the memories remembers …show more content…
These souls have to march around the outer layer of hell while being stung again and again by hornets and wasps. They walk bathed in blood from the relentless torture from the insects. I would not want to spend the rest of my afterlife walking around aimlessly drenched in blood tortured by hornets and wasps. Dante describes the scene with much misery; the blood from the nowhere souls is mixed with their tears as they march on swollen feet that are running with pus and maggots ( p.16 lines

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