Premium Essay

Danyal's Pre-Production Challenges

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Pages 3
To begin with, my involvement with the overall project included creating the ideas, writing the script, playing the role of Danyal’s voice in his head, completing portions of the storyboard, and being the cameraman/director. As a group we encountered many conflicts for many different reasons spanning from errors by individuals and/or obstacles we as a group simply could not avoid. Our group’s pre-production challenges mainly included the challenge of coming up with a creative idea in a short amount of time as well as the time and tediousness it took to storyboard, write, and edit the script. However, many challenges were present during production. For example, a challenge we faced was an issue with filming a scene in the washroom because of …show more content…
We also faced problems as on some days one group member wouldn’t be present thus affecting our schedule but we managed to work around that by filming whatever scenes that we could. Our group also faced challenges whilst acting as we would often have actors messing up/forgetting their lines and actions resulting in many takes and time wasted. Another challenge that our group faced was continuity since because we are high school students and not professional actors, we change our clothes everyday thus resulting in a difficult time in keeping continuity in our film. We as a group actually managed to retain a lot of the continuity within our film with the occasional disappearances and reappearances of bags, watches, and belts but kept them to a minimum. Finally, in terms of post-production challenges, we didn’t run into too many as we planned thoroughly well enough to avoid errors that had detrimental potential to our film. The biggest challenge we faced was how long it took to convert and review the footage as well as assembling everything together especially with a lot of the film being audio (Danyal’s

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