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Getting Drunk In High School Research Paper

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A lot of people everyday have made many types of decisions. Those actions that people made were probably getting high on drugs or in my case getting drunk, but many of those results have affected them in different ways, and some in a small way others in a big way. No matter the action there is always a consequence, and people everyday live with those consequences. I tried my best to make smart choices, but everyone has made mistakes. The time I got drunk in school caused me not to learn anything in class, disturbed the class, and got me suspended from school.
One of the negative effects that was caused by getting drunk in school was that I did not learn anything in school that day. For example, I began drinking once I arrived to school early, …show more content…
This had taken place in my second class which was social studies. I started to get drunk, and I personally distracted the class by vomiting, but before that occurred I tried to read a book in my seat. Then I felt my hands get a little sweaty, and suddenly I had the urge to throw up. I knew this even though I was drunk, but I tried taking quick breaths to calm myself, and it didn't work. So as soon as I stood up I vomited on the floor. I had made a big mess on the floor, and at that moment I thought I was in big trouble. My teacher saw what happened, and surprisingly he told me to go to the nurse because he thought I was sick. Once I had done that everyone had to leave the class. The vomit made the room smell bad like some rotten food, and I had pretty much disrupted the class because of that incident. Class ended early because the vomit on the floor had to be cleaned up. That meant no one would have known if there would be homework for next class, and most of the class did not finish the assignment that was assigned. I had caused a negative effect towards the class. Once I had left the class I did not go to the nurse. I went to the bathroom to clean up, and put water on my

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