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Data Types


Submitted By abeloate
Words 430
Pages 2
The definition I have determined that defines a data type is different types of data that will include a range of value or a specific type of data in a storage formant. A variable that is stored as data in a computer program has to be a specific data type. There are many different types of data that includes dates, values, numbers, and characters to name a few.
Different data types can be used by a large number of database applications. A specific kind of data is usually required in certain fields of a database. For example, if a business has a database for all the employees a different data type would be used for each kind of data. The start date for an employee could be stored in a date format, but a wage/salary amount would be stored as an integer. If database types are kept the same in all the records then the applications are easily search, compare, and sort different records.
Data typing is important if you want to keep a business managed. Data entry is important because it is a way of organizing data that keeps a business well managed. Data entry is very important if you want to manage information and records in a computer software program. Data entry assures accuracy of company’s data and all information keeps up to date.
Accuracy is very important in data entry validation. Validation of data entry will reduce the problems of inaccuracy if incorrect data is input. When creating a data entry the format for each field can input. The date, time, number, character, etc. format can be choose as the only possible entry. By doing this errors will be reduced because the collected data has to have the correct format.
Data must be entered accurately and consistently, this is vital to the database success. The informations is only reliable if it is accurate. To ensure that data is accurate you must always check and double check to make sure names are spelled correctly, and numbers for addresses are entered properly.
According to (Hogan, MD and Wagner, MD 1997), the accuracy of these data is of great importance. On the basis of inaccurate data, clinicians may make treatment errors, researchers may underestimate disease prevalence, health-system managers may underestimate compliance with standards of care such as vaccination guidelines, and alerting systems may send false alarms to physicians.
Data accuracy is very important because if the data is entered incorrectly then the data that comes out inaccurate. This may also make the data very hard to retrieve.

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