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Database Security


Submitted By johnsonrwj2
Words 1807
Pages 8
Database Security
Individual Project Key Assignment
Chris Pangburn
27 April, 2015

Table of Contents Week 1: Database Security Architecture 4 Differentiate between a Database Management System and a database 4 Network Infrastructure for the best security posture 4 Additional Security mechanisms to protect the Database Server 6 Week 2: User Account Security 7 Creating Schemas 7 Creating Users, Creating Roles, Assigning Privileges based on Access Control Lists 7 Creating Views 10 Week 3: Database Vulnerabilities 11 Description of tools used to perform scans 11 Scan Information 11 False Positive Information 12 Discuss SQL injection attack 12 Week 4: Auditing Techniques 14 Security hardened network design 14 Research of auditing features 14 Description of a trigger 14 Implementation of auditing 14 Week 5: Auditing Policies 15 Write SQL 15 Report based on access 15 Report based on system privileged 15 Audit report showing connection details 15 Report showing object access 15 References 16

Week 1: Database Security Architecture
Differentiate between a Database Management System and a database
Databases at their essence are nothing more than a collection of organized information (Mullins, 2013). A database can contain stored procedures, tables, fields, indexes, functions, views, security, and many other objects. Relationships between the data can be created which brings more meaning to how the data can be used and retrieved.
Database Management Systems (DMS) are installed as an application on an operating system and used to manage anywhere from one database to multiple databases. A DMS is a collection of software components that work together toward common objectives of managing databases (Foster, 2014). Each database managed by the DMS will have its own objects that are governed by the

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