...improvement and staff management. • Directed the Change & Release framework that supports Datacom at a national level, ensuring that processes are aligned with ITIL methodologies and contract deliverables to enhance overall client service delivery. • Mentored a relatively inexperienced team who at the time had minimal exposure to Change and Release Management, returning an 85% satisfaction for Change Management customer surveys. • Reduced the number of expedited changes by approximately 65% through investigative analysis and trending. • Established a National Datacom Change Process across Australia and South East Asia. This model has been pivotal in ensuring the business follows set rules, procedures and guidelines, and has directly mitigated potential risk relating to improper process controls and Change Management. • Chaired weekly Change Advisory Board (CAB) Meetings (internal and customer), Quarterly review and Service Delivery meetings as well as presenting service support processes to potential...
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...that was stolen from federal funds through a ring of crooked public officials and government contractors in the D.C area that used kickbacks and bribery in the scheme. The FBI called the partners of the fraud the 5 aces because that term is used in reference to someone stacking the deck in a card game so they can cheat. The master mind of the fraud was Kerry Khan and there were a total of 15 federal employees and contractors and several companies involved. Some of the people involved in the fraud was Michael L Alexander, former program manager, Lee A. Khan, son of Kerry Khan, Harold F. Babb, former director of contracts at Eyak Technology LLC (Alaska Native-owned small business), Alex N Cho, the former chief technology officer of Nov a Datacom LLC, and Mckinny, the president of Alpha Technology Group Inc., (a provider of program management services). The fraud was committed within the US Army Corps of Engineers where Kerry Khan was employed. The U.S Army Corps has the guiding principle of environmental sustainably and that task is done with approximately 37,000 dedicated civilians and soldiers providing engineering services to customers in more than 130 countries. The Corps works diligently to strengthen our Nation’s security by building and maintaining America’s infrastructure and developing technology to help fight wars. They also provide valuable service in America by dredging the waterways to keep trade going and they have a part in...
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...|A Leading Multinational Company | |[Job Source:Bdjobs.com Online job posting, Posting Date: March 16, 2011 ] | | | | | | Assistant System Engineer | |[pic] Store this Job to My BdJobs Cart | | | |No. of Vacancies : 07 | | | |Job Description / Responsibility | |Operation, maintenance of NSS, Transmission and Power System. | |Good understanding of SS7, TCP/ IP and Data Communication...
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...Analog electrical signal = A signal as referred to in communication systems, signal processing, and electrical engineering "is a function that conveys information about the behavior or Analog to digital = is a device that converts a continuous physical quantity (usually voltage) to a digital number that represents the quantity's amplitude App Bandwidth = is a measurement of bit-rate of available or consumed data communication resources expressed in bits per second or multiples of it Cable = s most often two or more wires running side by side and bonded, twisted, or braided together to form a single assembly, but can also refer to a heavy strong rope. Cell phone = is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area. Character set = system consists of a code that pairs each character from a given repertoire with something else—such as a bit pattern, sequence of natural numbers, octets, or electrical pulses—in order to facilitate the transmission of data (generally numbers or text) through telecommunication networks or for data storage. Client-server = is a distributed application structure in computing that partitions tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service, called servers, and service requesters, called clients. Codec = is a device or computer program capable of encoding or decoding a digital data stream or signal. Commercial business = is better understood to be a fourth generation...
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...Introduction Novopay a new IT school payroll processing programme was introduced by the Ministry of Education (MOE) New Zealand on 20 August 2012 to upgrade the old payroll system. It was implemented to around 110,000 MOE employees which included teachers and support staff both at state and state-integrated schools throughout the country. This replacement process had been in development since 2003. Unfortunately Novopay has been plagued with ongoing problems from the outset resulting in over-payment, underpayment and non-payment of a significant portion of MOE staff as well as ongoing inaccuracies with the payroll system. Nearly three quarters of New Zealand schools have been adversely affected. The New Zealand Principal’s Federation president Paul Drummond stated “We are trying to do the impossible in an environment that is intolerable with a system that is dysfunctional . . . it is simply unprofessional and unacceptable” ( ). Eight months after the implementation of Novopay an investigation was undertaken by the New Zealand government to address fixing over 8,000 glitches in the system. Causes of the failure of this system have been numerous throughout the design, implementation and oversight stages of the project. The breakdowns within many layers of the working relationships for example between the Ministry and Talent 2 and the Ministry and the schools that were critical for the success of this project are outlined in the Ministerial Inquiry undertaken...
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...Joseph V. Stewart NT1210 Unit 2 Assignment 2 Computer Basics Review 1. C. Datacom 2. B. Bob’s incoming email server 3. B. The call uses only digital electrical signals, D. The call represents short sounds as a unique set of bits 4. C. The call uses both analog and digital electrical signals, E. The call represents each spoken word as a unique set of bits. 5. D. A choice for the number of frames per second 6. B. Use an incoming video server 7. D. None of the answers is correct 8. B. The web browser asks for the one object identified by the web address, and the web server automatically sends the rest of the objects to the browser. 9. A. A website typically contains many web objects, C. A web page typically contains many web objects, D. A website typically contains many web pages. 10. C. The operating system on the PC, D. The PC’s NIC 11. A. 16 HTTP GET request messages with 16 matching HTTP GET reply messages 12. A. Web browsers 13. A. http 14. C. Node 15. B. Cable, D. Switch 16. D. SMB Network 17. A. Router 18. D. The Internet 19. A. Internet service provider 20. B. Any ISP’s network Key Terms Computer Networking-the stuff that works together Computer network-the process of the stuff working together Application-a function on any kind of computer or electronic device that is useful to the user, which can give the user a reason to want to own and use the device Email-electronic mail Voice...
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...Chapter 1 2 & 3 Review Questions Arcacia Godfrey 07/10/15 Mr. Gima (1). 1 bit represents one binary digit. (2). Kilobyte means approximately 106 byte. (3). 64 bits per quadruple word associated with each term. (4). The Random Access memory is used for short term memory and used to process data. (5). this is true the CPU tells the RAM which address holds the data that CPU wants to read. (6). A Character set determines in part what bits the computer stores. (7). the binary equivalent of decimal 123456789 stores in the RAM. (8). An Actuator arm is not a feature of a file system that might be used with a hard disk drive. (9). The Important features provides a convenient way to name a set of data for easier operations like copying and moving. The names gives users an easy way to reference the data and gives the CPU an easy way to identify the data it wants to read from RAM. (10). the classmate flash drive contents will not be usable by the classmate. (11). Changing the disk’s surface so that later the light will reflect differently for 0 or 1 describes how a hard disk drive physically writes a binary. (12). an internal hard disk drive is used for long term memory and connects to the CPU over a bus using a cable. (13). the components of an internal hard drive is an Actuator arm and platters. (14). RAM and optical disc drive are considered to be a solid state. (15). The Binary equivalent of decimal 123456789 the computer will need to consider. (16)....
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...Chapter 1. Introduction to Data Communications Business Data Communications and Networking Fitzgerald and Dennis, 7th Edition Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1 Copyright John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that named in Section 117 of the United States Copyright Act without the express written consent of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Adopters of the textbook are granted permission to make back-up copies for their own use only, to make copies for distribution to students of the course the textbook is used in, and to modify this material to best suit their instructional needs. Under no circumstances can copies be made for resale. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages, caused by the use of these programs or from the use of the information contained herein. 2 Chapter 1. Learning Objectives • Be aware of the history of communications, information systems and the Internet • Be aware of the applications of data communications networks • Be familiar with the major components of and types of networks • Understand the role of network layers • Be familiar with the role of network standards • Be aware of three key trends in communications and networking 3 Chapter 1. Outline • Introduction: The Information Society • Brief histories of: – communications,...
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...in the company. They never heard of news of people getting promoted due to the lack of transparency in the company which eventually led to low motivation. After implementing the intranet promotion announcement system and having award ceremonies, staff became more aware of these promotions and realize that it was possible to achieve their intrinsic and extrinsic goals. This in turn resulted in an improvement in the organizations performance as staff began to work harder. Like SRO, focus groups were set up at Deloiite as well but with a different agenda. They were organized to learn from the culturally diverse workforce in the company so as to set up an initiative to attract and retain talented employees. In another case, the company Datacom learnt that the level of engagement from workers varied between teams. Even though members of the team were happy, their performance levels still weren't up to standard. Teams who were happy with their work environment and were well engaged in their projects were the most productive. This was due to the relationship between staff and managers. Whenever a team had a manager who made the effort to build genuine relationships with his/her staff, the team performed better as the manager displayed trust and empowered his/her staff by giving them more responsibilities. Workers then become more engaged in their work . With such...
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...“many-to-many” relationships werе formed bеcausе onе ownеr can bе linkеd to many mеmbеr filеs and vicе vеrsa. To makе thе procеss morе faster, Bachman also crеatеd thеsе rеlationships to providе a relation bеtwееn rеcords using “dirеct pointеrs”, which is thе fastеst mеthod of travelling over the whole network model. Inverted Index File Systems: It is an index data structure that stores a mapping from any given content, i.e. words or numbers, to their respective locations in a database file. Its purpose is to allow fast and full text search, at increased processing cost when a document is added to the current database. Several mainframe-based database management systems have used inverted index architectures like ADABAS (Adaptable Data Base System), DATACOM/DB, and Model 204. Object-Oriented Databases: The term "object-oriented database" or OODBMs first appeared in 1985 after the notable research projects that included notable names like Encore-Ob, EXODUS, IRIS, ORION and Zeitgeist. These databases store objects rather than data i.e. integers, strings or real numbers. These databases can store deep hierarchies of objects and complex data types by classifying objects for random information. These databases are designed to work efficiently with OOP (Object-Oriented Programming Languages) such as Delphi, Ruby, Python, Perl, Java, C#, Visual Basic .NET, C++, Objective-C and Smalltalk. Comparison of OODBMs with RDBMS: As far as data modeling is concerned, OODBMS deals with objects while RDBMS...
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...OSI Model Open System Interconnection แบบจำลองเครือข่าย ( Network Model ) เสนอ อาจารย์ ปริญญา น้อยดอนไพร จัดทำโดย 1. นางสาวกนกอร ไกรนรา รหัสนักศึกษา 5240410501 2. นางสาวกมลชนก บัวหยาด รหัสนักศึกษา 5240410502 1. จุฑามาศ ฤทธิมนตรี 5240410516 3. นางสาวจุฑามาศ ฤทธิมนตรี รหัสนักศึกษา 5240410516 4. นายเชาวนัส นวลรัตน์ รหัสนักศึกษา 5240410521 5. นายทิชากร ศรีอาวุธ รหัสนักศึกษา 5240410530 6. นางสาวปิยะธิดา ศรีส่วน รหัสนักศึกษา 5240410549 7. นายวราพล แช่ตั้ง รหัสนักศึกษา 5240410565 8. นางสาววินิตา เพชรทอง รหัสนักศึกษา 5240410569 9. นางสาว สิริมา เพชรรัตน์ รหัสนักศึกษา 5240410578 10. นางสาวสุชากรณ์ หนูชู รหัสนักศึกษา 5240410579 8. จุฑามาศ ฤทธิมนตรี 5240410516 9. สุชากรณ์ หนูชู 5240410579 10. จุฑามาศ ฤทธิมนตรี 5240410516 11. สุชากรณ์ หนูชู 5240410579 รายงานฉบับนี้เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของรายวิชา 928-202 การสื่อสารข้อมูลและเครือข่าย มหาวิทยาลัยสงลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตสุราษฎร์ธานี ภาคการศึกษาที่ 2 ปีการศึกษา 2553 คำนำ ในโลกปัจจุบัน คอมพิวเตอร์ ได้ก้าวเข้ามามีบทบาทในชีวิตประจำวันอย่างกว้างขวาง ทั้งในส่วนของการใช้งานโดยตรง เช่น การใช้ในองค์กรธุรกิจต่าง ๆ การควบคุมระบบการเจรจาทั้งทางบก ทางน้ำ และทางอากาศ การติดต่อสื่อสารแลกเปลี่ยนข้อมูลทั้งในระยะใกล้ไปจนถึงระยะไกล ข้ามโลก รวมไปถึงการใช้ในด้านความบันเทิงทั้งเกมส์คอมพิวเตอร์หรือภาพยน ตร์ที่สร้างด้วยคอมพิวเตอร์กราฟิก เป็นต้น ดังนั้น กลุ่มของข้าพเจ้าจึงได้จัดทำรายงาน...
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...Financial Frauds in India The 2G scam Aniruddh Narsimhan - P35114 Disha - P35125 Manu Vatayan – P35149 Mrinalini - P35152 Svethal Bhasin - P35188 2G spectrum scam took place in India in late 2000’s which involved politicians and government officials who tried illegal undercharging mobile telephone companies for frequency allocation licenses, which they would then use to create 2G spectrum subscriptions for mobiles. The entire process of allocation of UAS licences lacked transparency and was undertaken in an arbitrary, unfair and inequitable manner. The Hon'ble Prime Minister had stressed on the need for a fair and transparent allocation of spectrum. Let us understand the intricacies of the scam. What is Spectrum? Radio Frequency Spectrum is the entire range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation which is used as carrier of wireless transmission and thus a basic requirement for providing wireless services. It is a finite but non-consumable global natural resource and commands high economic value in the telecommunication sector In simple words , Whenever data is being transferred from one place to another, say Ahmedabad to Mumbai. So, If data was a “truck”, how would you transport it from Ahmedabad to Mumbai ? Obviously through a path. Spectrum is that path. Radio frequency spectrum, i.e., the entire range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, is a finite global natural resource with a high economic value, due to its heavy demand in the telecommunications...
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...PHY 101: Mechanics Topic: -LIQUID CRUSTAL DISPLAY DOA: 28/08/2010 DOR: 28/09/2010 DOS: 10/11/2010 Submitted to: Submitted By: Ms. Neeti Walia Deptt. of Physics Roll. No. A13 Sec: E4001 Reg. No: 11007103 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I take this opportunity to present my votes of thanks to all those guidepost who really acted as lightening pillars to enlighten our way throughout this project that has led to successful and satisfactory completion of This study. We are highly thankful to Miss NEETI WALIA for her active support, valuable time and advice, whole-hearted guidance, sincere cooperation and pains-taking involvement during the study and in completing the assignment of preparing the said project within the time stipulated. Lastly, We are thankful to all those, particularly the various friends , who have been instrumental in creating proper, healthy and conductive environment and including new and fresh innovative ideas for us during the project, their help, it would have been extremely difficult for us to prepare the project in a time bound framework. TABLE OF CONTENTS:- INTRODUCTION WHAT IS LCD THEORY OF LCD TYPES OF LCD PASSIVE-MATRIX ADDRESSED LCD ACTIVE-MATRIX ADDRESED LCD ADVANTAGE N DISADVANTAGE COLOUR DISPLAY APPLICATIONS OF LCD BIBLIOGRAPHY LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY INTRODUCTION:- LCDs are super-thin displays that are used...
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...APPLICATION NOTE 183 RFC 2544: HOW IT HELPS QUALIFY A CARRIER ETHERNET NETWORK Bruno Giguère, Member of Technical Staff, Transport and Datacom Business Unit Service providers worldwide are actively turning up new services based on carrier Ethernet technology in a fierce competition to attract premium subscribers. The need for quality services has never been more important, making comprehensive Ethernet testing immediately at service turn-up vital to ensuring service quality and increasing customer satisfaction. Customer service-level agreements (SLAs) dictate certain performance criteria that must be met, with the majority documenting network availability and mean-time-to-repair values which are easily verified. However, Ethernet performance criteria are more difficult to prove, and demonstrating performance availability, transmission delay, link burstability and service integrity cannot be accomplished accurately by a mere PING command alone. Portable RFC 2544 test equipment enables field technicians, installers and contractors to immediately capture test results and demonstrate that the Ethernet service meets the customer SLA. These tests can also serve as a performance baseline for future reference. What is RFC 2544? The RFC 2544 standard, established by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards body, is the de facto methodology that outlines the tests required to measure and prove performance criteria for carrier Ethernet networks. The standard provides...
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...* Adonis Projects, Nahan Properties, Aska Projects, Volga Properties, Azare Properties & Hudson Properties were acquired by Unitech. Unitech Infrastructure and Unitech Builders & Estates were already subsidiaries of Unitech Group. So in 2008 Unitech had 22 2G licenses. Later in the same year Norway based company Telenor bought majority stake in the telecom company from the Unitech Group. Now it offers services under Uninor brand holding 22 pan India licences. * Operates under brand name Videocon Telecommunications Limited- 21 2G licenses * Loop telecom-21 2G licenses * Shyam Telelink Limited & Shyani Telelink Limited operate together with their combined 21 licenses. During late 2008 Russia based group Sistema bought majority stake in the telecom company and now they operate under brand name MTS India * In 2008, Swan Telecom (15 2g licence) merged itself with Allianz Infratech (P) Ltd. During late 2008 Abu Dhabi's Etisalat bought about 45 percent of the company and renamed it to Etisalat DB Telecom. * Idea Cellular bought Spice Communications Ltd. in 2008 for an amount of 2,700 crore (US$488.7 million). So out of 122 spectrum licenses sold in 2008 Idea Cellular owns 13 licenses. However of the 13 licenses, only 7 of the licenses are in use by the company and the rest are overlapping licenses. * In January 2009, Bahrain Telecommunications signed a deal with S Tel to buy 49% shares in S Tel for $225 million. C Sivasankaran owns the remaining (51%)...
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