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Dawes Plan After The Ruhr Crisis

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After the Ruhr Crisis, the Dawes Plan was created by the United States, to help Germany to restabilize their political and economical state. The countries that participated were USA, United Kingdom, Italy, France and Belgium. They would lend money to Germany in order for them to rebuild their industry and to pay their reparations. After the Treaty of Versailles, it was clear that Weimar Germany was incapable of paying off the reparations. The most important points of the Dawes Plan were; ➀making the reparations “easier” on Germany, ➁that Ruhr would be returned to the Germans, ➂and restructuring Weimars banks. Dawes Plan had demerits, as well as merits. The merits were that it created optimism towards Germany being able to pay back the sums

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