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Day of the Dead.


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Elena Mendoza Informative Speech. Topic: Day of the Dead
Specific Purpose: To share with fellow culture lovers about the history of the Day of the Dead in México, and why is significant to the Mexican people.
Central Idea: To learn about the Day of the Dead in Mexico and why is significant to the Mexican people. …........................................................................................................................................................ Introduction:
I wish I can live forever!
Oh, but the only thing we know for sure, in life, is that eventually we are going to die. I have been celebrating the Day of the Dead ever since I was little. Today I am going to share with you the origin and significance of this celebration in my México. (TR: Before I can tell you about the significance of the Day of the Dead for the Mexican people let me tell you about the history of this celebration.)
Body: (Topical)
The Day of the Dead has a history and unique characteristics. (Topical)
A. The day of the Dead is a Mexican celebration to honor the dead. 1. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization the Day of the Dead has Pre-Hispanic origins. Celebrated first by the Mayans, and Aztecs who believed death was to be celebrated and never grieved.
In ancient times was celebrated in the ninth and tenth month, but now takes place on November 2.
Has been honored in the country for over 3,000 years.
2. In 2003 was declared a cultural heritage by the UNESCO B. Some characteristics of the Day of the dead are unique.
This unique celebration is shared with the world and thousands of tourists
(TR: Now that you know a little bit about the history of the day of the dead, let me tell you the significance of this celebration for the Mexican people.) II. The day of the dead has significance and particular symbols. (Topical)
Pain for the loved ones that are dead get mixed with party, and joy which characterizes the Mexican people, who can laugh at their own tragedy to ease their grief.
In Mexico it is believed that the dead can return to world to visit relatives and to bring prosperity (good harvest) or misery (illness, accidents, financial difficulties.)
Mexican people attract and entertain the dead hoping that when they come they bring good harvest.
They want to facilitate their arrival and return, so they create paths of flowers and candles marked from the house to the cemetery.
Mexican people build altars for this celebration.
The altar is the structure where offerings or sacrifices are made.
The most common are the altars of two levels representing heaven and earth. The Day of the Dead has particular symbols.
As you can see in the picture, the offerings contain elements that invite the spirit to travel from the world of the dead to live together that day with their relatives.
The picture of the deceased goes at the top of the altar.
The confetti represents happiness.
The candles are considered to be a guiding light in this world.
The favorite food of the deceased is placed on the altar, so the deceased soul can enjoy it.
The skulls are distributed around the altar with colorful ornaments; they are considered an allusion to death.
For the Mexican people, Death, in this sense, is not stated as an absence or a lack; by contrast, it is conceived as a new stage: the dead comes, walks and observes the offering, smell, and taste like a living presence. Conclusion:
Well my time is up.
I hope you have enjoyed and learned about the Day of the Dead in México and why is significant to the Mexican people.

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