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Day Of The Dead Ritual Analysis

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However, there were some challenges working as a group when creating the altar. The challenges we overcame as a group was being comfortable with one another about speaking of our dearly departed. In our society it is hard to speak about our deceased or ask someone about their dead loved ones because we are taught to restrain from conversing about death. As a result, it was difficult as a group to discuss our loss to one another. However, it was a very intimate experience in understanding one another through the stories of their loved one. The Day of the Dead ritual is an indigenous community practice that unites individuals to celebrate and mourn the dearly departed. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge that Day of the Dead is a tradition that helps people open up and learn about each other through the memory of a loved one. …show more content…
According to Elizabeth Carmichael and Chloe Sayer, who explain the significance of the Day of the Dead ritual and the historical meaning behind it explain that our ancestors believed that, “the destiny of a soul after was decreed by the manner of death rather than conduct during life” (24). In other words, where the soul resides is determined by the cause of death not the individual’s behavior in life. This is significant key concept to understand because it explains the fundamentals and mythology behind the Day of the Dead ritual. It illustrates that death is accepted. The reason our ancestors normalized death and celebrated their dead was because they viewed it as an inevitable part of life. To clarify, that death is essential for life to continue and be maintained. Therefore, it is important to understand these ideas because it illustrates the reason Latin American cultures are more connected with death compared to European

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