Premium Essay

Dbq Peale's Museum

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Attending museums may be a fun and an educational experience if the museum is qualified and has all the things to make their facility exciting. Museums focus on purchasing new artifacts with regulations regarding their audience, historical relevancy, and the museums budget and profits. Money is well known as “the root of all evil”. When purchasing items, a budget can play a key role. Budgeting money can be an issue for some because they simply are unable to spend their money wisely and on appropriate items. “The recurring operating deficit approached $1 million a year and was worsening.” (Source A) can provide evidence of how the wrong spending on one person’s behalf can affect the business as a whole. The amount of money proceed by businesses …show more content…
Owners must take into consideration who will be visiting their museum. Will it be adults, teenagers, or young children? The audience intended for their facility can determine the type of interactions, artifacts and even the overall environment. If a museum practices this well they can be successful in their business, “Peale’s Museum was notable as a private institution devoted to, and reliant upon, public patronage. Peale’s Museum combined art works, and artifacts, which grew from a small sampling of curiosities in the 1780s to a large and impressive collection of scientifically classified specimens in the 1820s” (Source B). Museums must also take into consideration the feelings and emotions of their audience: “The Metropolitan Museum has undertaken to re-examine its collection in order to ascertain whether any of its works were unlawfully confiscated by the Nazis and never restituted” (Source F). When you are depending on the endorsement of visitors, not offending them is important because they will fail to return again and promote your business positively. “…we sincerely hope that the list of paintings we have just released, paintings about which we seek more information, will prove a useful resource in arriving at the truth and ensuring justice” (Source F). audience is obviously a key importance to business owners because without their support and donations they would no longer be …show more content…
Historical events from the past can be beneficial to today’s generation because it can teach them about the mistakes made in the past that do not need to happen again. They can give us advice without even speaking. But, museums with recent facts, events, and topics are somewhat more beneficial because we as a community may be experiencing the same as another community went through a couple of months ago and can act upon their actions since we are all in the same time frame. “predating and preparing the way for the new world order of Disney Enterprises,” (Source E). The National Museum of the American Indians was established to allow family members to learn about their ancestor’s history, arts, life, language, and literature from the past. Yes, this is a type of historical artifact from further back in the past, but unlike other historical artifacts, this can be an interesting museum to people of all ages to learn about their family members they may of never meet (Source C). “… including more than 800,000 works of extraordinary aesthetic, religious, and historical significance, as well as articles produced for everyday, utilitarian use” (Source C). this museum has numerous thrilling and entertaining artifacts that can educate the views whole also entertaining them. Museums are outstanding places to learn about the history of our

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