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The Fentanyl Crisis Summary

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The spread of the deadly drug fentanyl is explored in the article “The fentanyl crisis” by Kate Jaimet. The article discusses the negative effect of fentanyl, and ways nurses can contribute to decrease drug misuse. The article is directed to nurses, as it is published in Canadian Nurse, and focuses on resources, and guidelines for nurses to follow. Jaimet uses both logos and ethos to persuade the audience that there is a solution needed to decrease risks associated with fentanyl, and gives way for nurses to develop resources and solution for this crisis. I fully agree with Jaimet and the context, which is backed up by credible professional. nursing sources. With the help of reliable nursing sources providing information about the rise of the …show more content…
The availability of fentanyl causes an increase of opioids on the street, for anyone to access. The article uses Dr. David Juurlink, the head of the clinical pharmacology discussed this within the article. Toxicology is the study of living organisms and the effects the chemicals of toxic substances have on them (CITE). I think the Jaimet properly used Juurlink as a source, as he has a background with drugs, has a strong understanding on fentanyl going from being prescribed to on the street. The author utilizes this to prove that the shift from prescription to street is a problem. Another source Jaimet uses is harm reduction researcher, Bernie Pauly states that the use of opioids is getting out of hand, and affects all of society; not just the users. Pauly uses this evidence to successfully educate nurses about opioid risk, then discusses ways to decrease the harm of opioid use this includes; creating supervised injection sites, drug prescription, and substance abuse therapy, also free access to at home drug tests. As a nurse, I agree that this is the best way to decrease the number of overdoses, and overall safer drug

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