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Gorge Washington Research Paper

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Introduction Gorge Washington Is on the monument, statues, Dollar bill, Mount Rushmore, Bridge, Capital, State, Countries, Towns, Villages, Mountains, Lakes, Public square and colleges all named after him. He lived very long ago and grew up rich. He may have been just as normal as any other human. Summary He lived and grew up In America roughly 250 years ago back then it was a whole different place than it was now. America was part of the British empire at the time of Gorge Washington’s life. America had lots of land to build houses, other projects and had thick forest for plenty of wood which would later benefit him. Gorge Washington was born into the upper class with benefits and wealth with the best education these type of benefits help …show more content…
Gorge Washington and some other officers was shouting commands back and forth to each other to halt. Gorge Washington had to beg Braddock to let him lead the colonial soldiers into the woods to fight the enemy in their own way. Braddock went in to a coma but after he came out of it he still refused to give over his command he was still ordering Gorge Washington to ride back fourth miles through the night so that way reinforcements could be brung back up. Most of them got and was sick and exhausted by the twelve hours in the saddle. Everyone including soldiers and officers was to scared to follow certain orders by Braddock so they was defeated. People such as Benjamin Franklin praised Gorge Washington and some preachers wondered about Gorge Washington they think Gorge Washington was destined to do great things in his life and for his country. British officers even said Gorge Washington showed some of the greatest courage and resolution they had ever seen in there life. Later the big war of the English and the French moved northward in to the wilderness that separated Canada and New York. Gorge Washington paid little attention …show more content…
Gorge Washington is now having a wedding that took place on 1759 January 6 his bride was Martha Dandridge Curtis a wealthy 27 year old widow with two children her husband left her for a large sum of money so she married Gorge Washington. Gorge Washington slipped easily in to the life of a planter it was a life far different from the military life style. There was an enormous amount of work to be done to get mount Vernon in to shape. Mount Vernon had suffered neglect in years of him being gone he didn’t know how to farm so he had to study and work really hard to learn how to farm in a short amount of time. Later on a late Christmas night in the midst of a big sleet storm that whipped his boats and stuff Gorge Washington ferried troops and others across the Delaware. At last he had a victory it was considered a lucky one but it was still a victory at the end of the day. He did the victory with out losing a single American life that’s impressive since he didn’t have much skill at what he was doing. But once again Gorge Washington moved he struck the British at Princeton. Gorge Washington helped beat three regiments and forced Lord Cornwallis to drop protect his supply base. Gorge Washington later had domestic and foreign problems on his mind as he thought about the whether to serve a second term. The United States was facing difficulties with Indians on the western borders several states made that decision. But when France and Britain

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