Premium Essay

Dealing with a Problem!


Submitted By hollydale
Words 1097
Pages 5
Dealing with a Problem Being a parent has given me responsibilities that I didn’t have as a young adult, in my early twenties. I am thirty-one with three young children four and under. At the moment I have three children by three different women, with three different personalities. I have a four year old son that lives in Dayton, Ohio, a three year old son that lives outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and a one year old daughter that lives here in Cincinnati. Surprisingly, I see my son that lives in Dayton more than any of my children. If it was up to me, I would spend an equal amount of time with all my children but the mothers make it difficult for me to do so, so I call and talk to them as much as possible. Let’s begin with my youngest daughter’s mother. She is thirty-two, my daughter is her first child, and she is one. She is very over-protective and won’t let her out of here sight at the moment. Since we broke up last November, I’ve only been able to come see her on the weekends. Since she is a school teacher be off on the summer months has given me an opportunity to see her during the week. But now that I’m dating someone else she has not been answering my calls so I can visit. I see myself having to go apply for child support so I can receive visitation privileges. One of my close friends told me that she just wanted to have my child and would have nothing to do with me thereafter; I’m beginning to believe that. The last time we spoke, she brought up me signing over my parental rights, that not ever going to happen. Next, we have my three year old sons’ mother, Ms. Bradford. She is twenty-six; my son is also her first child too. I met her while she was a student at the University of Cincinnati. She was a very independent individual; she is the type of woman that has a problem being number two to anything. By me

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