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Death Of A Salesman Research Paper

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In theatrical literature it is common to find playwrights utilizing their past experiences, especially the ones of their youth, to craft stories. Arthur Miller, the most produced American playwright of all time, is no exception. Born in 1915, Miller grew up in Harlem as the son of working class Jewish Immigrants who, like many others, faced financial struggle in pursuit of the “American Dream”. At the age of fourteen, Arthur Miller’s family lost nearly everything due to the recent Wall Street Crash of 1924. Miller experienced some of the same struggles while growing up that the Loman family deals with in his hit play Death of a Salesman. Living on paycheck to paycheck and working odd jobs to save up for college had perhaps motivated much of the material in his plays. …show more content…
The Loman family yearns to be free from the bills and the evils of materialism that control their life on a daily basis. They like most Americans are caught in the vicious cycle of always wanting more from life, whether it be through success, space, or items. They notice the world around them slowly turning evil, and just when they come close to being relinquished from all their struggles and tragedies, Willy commits suicide. The play is a unique blend of realism and expressionism, a signature aspect of Miller’s writing style. Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman is the recipient of the 1949 Pulitzer Prize for Drama as well as the Tony Award for Best Play, and has become one of the most studied pieces of theatre from the contemporary

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