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Basketball Target Grade Level

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Target Grade Level:
The target grade level would be 8th grade.
Team Selection Process:
How I would choose the teams after the students do a pacer test and have time to work on the different skills are in basketball. The students would partner up with a student in the class and on the day that we have to pacer test the partner will count how many times they make it to the line once they fail to make it to the line on the beep then they are done and the students partner will record the amount of times they made it to the line on or before the beep. One the pacer test is finished for the first group there partner will turn in there partners number on a index card to the teacher. Then the next group would do some thing.
After looking over each …show more content…
Students must come in and grab the same color jerseys, and then start practicing before the game starts.
2. To start the game referee must do jump ball between the two teams.
3. You can not dribble the ball only pass the ball down up and the down the court if any one dribbles the ball the other team automatically gets the point and the ball back.
4. Must CHECK the basketball back in after a shot is made or if someone dribbles the ball accidently.
5. Each student must substitute out after each basket is scored.
6. The ball can not be stolen
7. No Free throw shots if you get fouled (statisticians just marks it as a foul on the sheet)
8. No sitting players or duty team members
9. Students must be respectful to each win or loss
10. Three pointers count as three points like in a regular basketball game, jump shots, layups, and anything below a the three point line counts as one point.
11. All Players must be actively engaged when playing the game and on duty.
12. Students must establish a pivot foot when playing if the student travels the ball automatically goes to the other team from where the ball was on the

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