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Kingdom And Covenants Analysis

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The following paper will provide a chart on this authors view of the kingdom and covenants. It will explain the chart in detail, share differing opinions, and defend the authors interpretation of the chart. The thesis is that God has the right to rule as creator. He has revealed Himself throughout history in administrations or dispensations, has given covenants as promises, and sent His son Jesus as the ultimate fulfillment of His covenants. “God alone is sovereign, has the right to rule, the right to be obeyed and the right to be worshiped.” God’s kingdom and covenants are “inseparable, for God’s kingdom program was the outworking of His eternal and unconditional covenants.”

The top of the chart illustrates the timeless kingdom of God. Gen …show more content…
“The first thing conscience teaches a man is that he is responsible to worship the creator, thus the two sons of Adam and Eve brought the evidences of their worship to the Lord. According to later revelation, either form of worship was acceptable to God.” It wasn’t the offering that was important, but rather, the attitude in which is was presented [Heb 11:4]. “This incident clearly reveals that faith is the way of access to God and the means of entrance into the kingdom of God.” It also shows the individual responsibility of our worship and subjection to God. Rom 2:15, Paul writes, “In that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them [NASB95].” God reveals Himself in our hearts as well as through nature as found in Rom 1:20 where it says, “For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world [ESV].” It’s interesting to this author that some still doubt even though in our conscience we know. Robert Mounce said it best when he said, “To demand some sort of absolute proof of God’s existence is simply an indication of the recalcitrant nature of fallen humanity.” “God placed man under the law of conscience. In submitting themselves to the law, men were submitting themselves to God and showing themselves to be kingdom

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