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Decision Making in Business


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1. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. Write DoD issuances clearly and concisely, applying the following general principles of effective writing. a. When drafting your document, use an outline. This will help you organize your issuance and keep it focused and on track. b. Use short, simple words. Limit sentences to one thought and keep them brief (an average of 20 or fewer words). c. Use the correct words. (See Appendix 1 for a glossary of preferred usage and Appendix 2 for a list of hyphenated modifiers used in DoD issuances.) d. Write in the active versus passive voice; name an actor with the action being taken immediately after the noun. (See Figure 1 for characteristics and examples.) e. Use parallel construction (the same grammatical structure for similar or related ideas). (See Figure 2 for examples.) f. Avoid long, rambling paragraphs. If a paragraph’s longer than 20 lines, it should probably be restructured to include subparagraphs. g. Organize the material. Where the issuance templates don’t provide a specific structure, organize sections, enclosures, and appendixes so that earlier paragraphs serve to make later paragraphs clear. When possible, use paragraph headings to highlight important concepts so the reader can see at a glance what the paragraph’s about. Figure 1. Characteristics and Examples of Passive and Active Voice PASSIVE VOICE Frequently omits the doer of the action An information copy of the board meeting minutes must be forwarded to the members. A military chaplain of a particular religious organization may be appointed as a consultant. Frequently is longer and less direct; frequently includes a “by” phrase A written agreement will be executed by the parties. Implementing instructions will be issued by the DoD Components. ACTIVE VOICE Identifies the doer The Chair must forward an information copy of the board meeting minutes to the members. The Board may appoint a military chaplain of a particular religious organization as a consultant. Gets to the point The parties will execute a written agreement. The DoD Components will issue implementing instructions.

Writing Style Guide as of 8/20/2014

Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Figure 2. Examples of Parallel Construction EXAMPLE 1 Not Parallel 1. The physical review of the ID card must verify that the identification matches the beneficiary, the correct entitlement dates, whether medical care for the beneficiary is authorized, and that no one has tampered with the card. Parallel 1. The physical review of the ID card must verify that the identification matches the beneficiary, the entitlement dates are correct, the beneficiary is authorized medical care, and the card hasn’t been tampered with. EXAMPLE 2 Not Parallel 1. PURPOSE. This instruction: a. Reissues Reference (a) to establish policy and assign responsibilities for the authorization and support of private organizations located on DoD installations. b. Reference (b) is hereby cancelled. c. Reference (c) will continue to be authorized to establish procedures that implement this instruction. Parallel 1. PURPOSE. This instruction: a. Reissues Reference (a) to establish policy and assign responsibilities for the authorization and support of private organizations located on DoD installations. b. Cancels Reference (b). c. Continues to authorize the publication of Reference (c) to establish procedures to implement this instruction.


Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances 2. RULES SPECIFIC TO DoD ISSUANCES a. References (1) Always reference: (a) The issuance that provides the purpose of (reason for) the issuance being drafted and any other issuances that inform its content. (b) For issuances signed by anyone other than the Secretary or the Deputy Secretary of Defense, the instrument that provides that position the authority to sign it. This is typically the Charter DoD directive of the OSD Component head or Principal Staff Assistant. (2) Don’t copy from, quote from, or paraphrase material in a reference. Do explain the relationship between the issuance and each reference cited; e.g., (emphasis added): (a) “All proposals to construct new or modify existing DoD urban training facilities must be evaluated in accordance with DoDI 1322.27 (Reference (e)).” (b) “Civilian manpower requirements must be sourced and designated in accordance with the manpower policy and procedures in DoDI 1100.22 (Reference (c)).” (c) “The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs will serve as the Domestic Crisis Manager among other defense-wide crisis management responsibilities assigned in DoDD 3020.44 (Reference (k)).” b. Helping Verbs. Use the following helping verbs to clarify the actor’s level of obligation. (1) Use “must” to denote a mandatory action. (2) Use “will” to denote a required action in the future. (3) Use “may” or “can” to denote an optional action that the actor’s authorized to perform (a right, privilege, or power that the actor may exercise at his or her discretion). c. Generic Pronouns. Don’t use “he” or “she” or “his” or “her” separately as generic (possessive) pronouns; use “he or she” or “his or her.” If possible, avoid gender specificity by using “they” or “their.” d. Personal Pronouns and Point of View. Don’t use the personal pronouns “I,” “we,” and “you.” Always write in the third person, using “he or she,” “it,” and “they.” e. Abbreviations and Acronyms. Write terms out the first time they appear in the text and place the abbreviation or acronym in parenthesis following it. Use the acronym consistently thereafter: don’t repeat the term. A glossary of acronyms and abbreviations is mandatory for issuances over 2 pages using acronyms other than “DoD,” “OSD,” or “U.S.” In accordance with the Plain Writing Act of 2010, consider not using acronyms if the term is used infrequently in your issuance.


Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances

(1) Acronym as Adjective Only. The acronym “U.S.” may be used in the adjective form only. Spell out “United States” when using the noun form. (2) Acronyms That Don’t Need to be Established. The acronyms “DoD,” “OSD,” and “U.S.” don’t need to be established upon first use. (3) Combatant Command Acronyms (a) The Combatant Commands are legally named “United States Central Command,” “United States Joint Forces Command,” etc. The acronyms therefore are: USCENTCOM, USEUCOM, USJFCOM, USNORTHCOM, USPACOM, USSOUTHCOM, USSOCOM, USSTRATCOM, and USTRANSCOM. (b) The abbreviation for “Combatant Command” is “CCMD” – not “COCOM.” See Joint Publication (JP) 1-02, “Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms;” “COCOM” refers to “(combatant command) command authority” and not to the Combatant Command. (c) According to JP 1-02, the abbreviation for “Combatant Commander” is “CCDR.” (4) Military Terms. Use the approved abbreviations and acronyms in JP 1-02. (5) Article Usage With Abbreviations and Acronyms (a) Use of the articles “the,” ”a,” and “an” before abbreviations and acronyms will be determined by basic rules of grammar. If an article would appear before the term if it were spelled out, then it most likely will be used before the acronym. (b) The use of “a” and “an” depends on the sound of the acronym that follows, not on the first letter. For example, the vowel sound at the beginning of the acronym “MP” (pronounced “em-pea”) requires that “an” be used. However, “a” is used before “MOOTW,” since the acronym’s pronounced “moo-twah.” f. Footnotes, Endnotes, and Use of the Term “Note.” Don’t use the term “NOTE” in DoD issuances. Don’t use endnotes in DoD issuances. Use footnotes only to indicate in Enclosure 1 where the reader may obtain a reference that isn’t readily available on a government website. g. Use of the Term “See” and of Parenthetical Remarks. When the term “see” is used as directional material, place the phrase in parentheses at the end of the sentence as a stand-alone sentence, as in the following parenthetical remark. (See paragraph 2f for use of the term “note.”) Avoid the use of other parenthetical remarks. If the information’s important to the issuance, incorporate it into the appropriate sentence or paragraph. h. Use of Directional Terms. Don’t use directional terms or phrases (e.g., “above,” or “below”) when referring to a part of the issuance. Cite the particular paragraph being discussed. Avoid using “as follows” or “the following” if possible.


Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances i. Use of Latin Plurals. Don’t use Latin plurals; use their English equivalents (e.g., memorandums, not memoranda; forums, not fora; data, not datum). j. Names of Ships and Exercises. Always use all caps for the names of ships (e.g., “USS AGILE,” “USNS IMPECCABLE – not “USS Agile,” “USNS Impeccable”) and military exercises (e.g. “Operation SOUTHERN WATCH” – not “Operation Southern Watch”). k. Address Blocks in DoD Issuances. In accordance with DoD issuance standards, mailing addresses are the exception to the rule for paragraph numbering and indentation; they may stand alone outside of a figure or table. The address block will be indented from the left margin equal to the first line indent of the paragraph to which the address block belongs; e.g., if an address block followed this paragraph, each line would be .25” from the left margin. 3. RESOURCES FOR WRITING DoD ISSUANCES. Use the resources in priority order below when you have questions on English usage, writing style, format, content, and organization of DoD issuances. a. The Issuance Process1 (1) Format, content, and organization standards for each type of issuance. (2) Frequently Asked Questions. (3) Common Mistakes. (4) DoDM 5110.04, “DoD Manual for Written Material.” (5) JP 1-02. b. Other Resources (1) United States Government Printing Office Style Manual (current edition including supplements).2 (2) Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (current edition).3 (3) The Chicago Manual of Style.4

Available at Available at 3 Available at 4 Available at



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances APPENDIX 1 GLOSSARY OF PREFERRED USAGE FOR DoD ISSUANCES

This glossary provides preferred capitalization, terminology, wording, and use of abbreviations and acronyms for DoD issuances to ensure they are written simply, clearly, and consistently. For military terminology, use JP 1-02. For questions about usage not answered in this glossary or JP 1-02, consult the resources in section 3. Term A a great deal of a minimum of a number of abrogate accelerate accompanied by accompany accomplish accorded according to much at least some abolish, cancel speed up, hasten with go with do given Don’t use when citing a reference. Use “pursuant to” when the action being taken is authorized or required by your reference. Use “in accordance with” if the action being taken is consistent with this particular reference, but the reference neither requires nor forbids the action. “Under” should generally only be used to cite the authority of an individual. so, then increase, collect start, drive, turn on Not capitalized. Includes active duty for training. To exclude the training, use “active duty (other than for training).” Capitalized Not capitalized. Use when referring to military experience that may be credited toward promotion or retirement. Don’t use “active duty.” next to helpful Preferred Usage or Comment

accordingly accrue activate active duty Active Reserve active service

adjacent to advantageous



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term affect, effect Preferred Usage or Comment Often used incorrectly. The verb “affect” means “to influence” and is used with an object. Don’t use the word “affect” as a noun. The verb “effect” means “to bring about, accomplish, make happen.” The noun “effect” means a “result” or “consequence” of an action. put, attach allow, let Don’t use. Approved acronym is USAFRICOM (see JP 1-02). after Capitalized only when part of a proper noun. total, sum all Use lowercase, except when referring to a specific person improve precede opposite, contrast any anywhere clear, plain plural, “appendixes” many about, close, near received In lowercase, a generic term for the military forces of a nation or a group of nations. Use “Military Services” for consistency throughout DoD issuances. All three terms denote collectively all components of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, and the Coast Guard. Use “Military Services” decided for in fact to because

affix afford an opportunity AFRICOM after the conclusion of agency aggregate all of ambassador ameliorate antedate antithesis any of any place apparent appendix appreciable approximately are in receipt of armed forces Armed Forces of the United States; U.S. Armed Forces Armed Services arrived at a decision as a basis for as a matter of fact as a means of as a result of



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term as of as prescribed by as to whether ascertain assignment assist assure at all times at an early date at the present time at the time of attached hereto attains the age of ... attempt augment B based on the fact that be cognizant of before-mentioned benefit biannual, biennial bimonthly businessman or businesswoman by means of by virtue of C calculate can cease compute Use if an action is optional/conditional. stop because know Avoid using this term as it’s usually redundant. help “Biannual,” like “semiannual,” means twice a year. “Biennial” means every 2 years. Means every 2 months. Use “semi-monthly” (or “twice a month”) to express twice monthly. business executive, manager, entrepreneur, business owner by, with by, under Preferred Usage or Comment by pursuant to whether find out, learn Use to refer to an order to a particular duty, organization, or station for a long or indefinite time. help, aid ensure always soon now during attached becomes # years old try raise, expand, add to, extend, enlarge, increase



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term CENTCOM chairman or chairwoman close proximity COCOM cognizant of coincidentally Combatant Command Combatant Commander combine comes into conflict Commander-in-Chief commence compare Preferred Usage or Comment Don’t use. Approved acronym is USCENTCOM (See JP 1-02) chair or chairperson near Don’t use as an acronym for “Combatant Command.” Use “CCMD.” aware of, knows, understands, comprehends at the same time Correct abbreviation is “CCMD” Correct abbreviation is “CCDR” join conflicts Use only when referring to the President of the United States. begin Use “compare to” when discussing similarities between objects that are different; use “compare with” when discussing similarities or differences between objects that are the same. about, on end, close Use “concur with” when concurring with a person; use “concur in” when concurring in an idea, proposal, document, or recommendation. Use “Member of Congress” or “Congressional Representative.” complete, bring about in has next to Often used incorrectly. The first word means “without interruption;” the second, “intermittently at frequent intervals.” give council member time crew member

concerning conclude concur

Congressman or Congressperson consummate contained in contain contiguous continuously, continually contribute councilman course of time crewman



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term criterion D daughter or son decision maker, decision making deem defense child, children Hyphenated only when used as an adjective: “decision-making abilities” consider Capitalized only when referring to an OSD Defense Agency (go to “DoD and OSD Component Heads” on the DoD Issuances Websites for a listing of the OSD Defense Agencies) or when part of a proper noun. Capitalized when referring to the OSD Defense Agencies. shows leave Avoid using this word except when required by law; e.g., use of the word “dependent” may be required to satisfy explicit statutory requirements about entitlement to benefits or privileges. Instead, use such terms as “family member,” “spouse,” “parent,” “unmarried child,” or “beneficiary.” describe, show loss although, though Use to define a particular duty, organization, or station as temporary. decide, find drop, stop issue, circulate, send out Always use “the” when using DoD Components as a noun. decrease because, since, due to when while levels Often used incorrectly. The verb “effect” means to “bring about, accomplish, make happen.” The noun “effect” means a “result” or “consequence” of an action. The verb “affect” means “to Preferred Usage or Comment standard, norm

Defense Agency demonstrates depart dependent

depict deprivation despite the fact that detail determine discontinue disseminate DoD Components, the downward adjustment due to the fact that during periods when during such time E echelons effect, affect



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term Preferred Usage or Comment influence” and is used with an object. Don’t use the word “affect” as a noun. effect an improvement e.g. and i.e. improve Often used incorrectly. The abbreviation “e.g.” means “for example” (describing one of many examples). The abbreviation “i.e.” means “that is” (only the items mentioned apply). Neither of these terms can be used with “etc.” simple, basic draw out, bring out cut, drop, end explain, clarify Hyphenate; don’t use “email” stress use, used enclosed enclose, include meet urge, persuade find out enlisted member, enlistee use “insure” only when referring to monetary insurance. Avoid use of “ensure” when assigning responsibilities or describing procedures in DoD issuances as it’s passive and difficult for the individual or agency responsible to measure success or failure. Use more active verbs (oversee, direct, require). count, list fair equal Don’t use. Approved acronym is USEUCOM (see JP 1-02). clear make worse Capitalized

elementary elicit eliminate elucidate e-mail emphasize employ, employed enclosed herewith encompass encounter encourage endeavor to ascertain enlisted man or woman ensure

enumerate equitable equivalent EUCOM evident exacerbate Executive Branch



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term Executive Order Preferred Usage or Comment Capitalize when citing number; e.g., “Executive Order 12334.” Only capitalize “Executive” when the meaning’s general; e.g., “those Executive orders,” and you are referring to the orders issued by the President. Correct abbreviation is “E.O.” Capitalized Executive Secretary of the Department of Defense be careful hasten, speed construct, make, build, invent ease, help didn't Use “either parent” or “parent.” possible, practical Not capitalized; but when writing about the Federal Government in its official capacity using the term as an official title, you should capitalize both Federal and Government. Use “person” or “individual.” complete, finish firefighter for for because, since supervisor, manager give up, lose make, devise, prepare as much as possible basic give, supply, send Avoid using this word unless contrasted with “specifically.” consider encourage

Executive Department Executive Secretary, OSD exercise care expedite F fabricate facilitate failed to father or mother feasible federal, federally

female or male finalize fireman for the month of … for the purpose of for the reason that foreman forfeit formulate fullest possible extent fundamental furnish G generally give consideration to give encouragement to



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term government Preferred Usage or Comment
The designation “government” is capitalized only if used as a part of a proper name, as a proper name, or as a proper adjective. For example, “U.S. Government,” but “government” (in general sense), “European governments.”

grade and rank

Use “grade” to designate pay grade; e.g., “O-1” or “E-2.” Use “rank” to refer to the order of precedence or seniority within a grade. Use “grandparent” or “grandparents.”

grandfather or grandmother H has the capability to, of have need for have the effect of he, him, his; she, her, hers held a meeting henceforth heretofore husband or wife I identical i.e. and e.g.

can need effect Avoid gender-specific language; if possible, use “they” and “theirs.” If not, use “he or she” instead of he; “him or her” instead of him; “his or hers” instead of his. met from now on until now, up to now spouse same Often used incorrectly. The abbreviation “e.g.” means “for example” (describing one of many examples). The abbreviation “i.e.” means “that is” (only the items mentioned apply). Neither of these terms can be used with “etc.” show block urgent carry out when, where when also, besides, too to if

illustrate impede imperative implement in a case in which in a situation in which in addition in an effort to in case



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term in accordance with Preferred Usage or Comment Use “in accordance with” if the action being taken is consistent with this particular reference, but the reference neither requires nor forbids the action. Use “pursuant to” when the action being taken is authorized or required by your reference. “Under” should generally only be used to cite the authority of an individual. with by, in, for instead of, in place of so that about related to, for though, although for when, where during, in, while if usually soon since, because start merge, join show first begin, start basic, native, inborn ensure, unless referring to monetary insurance combine When referring to the Military Services will may knows depends on will

in conjunction with in connection with in lieu of in order that in regard to in relation to in spite of the fact that in the amount of in the case of in the course of in the event of in the majority of cases in the near future in view of inception incorporate indicate initial initiate innate insure integrate inter-Service is authorized and directed is authorized to is cognizant of is dependent upon is directed



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term is entitled to is responsible for selecting it is obvious that it is the responsibility of ... to Preferred Usage or Comment may selects clearly, obviously will

J JFCOM journeyman justify K L last and latest least and less Legislative Branch lengthy like locate M magnitude mailman make a decision make a determination make application make every effort make inquiry regarding make provisions for male or female man or woman manhour size mail carrier decide determine apply try inquire, ask provide Use “person” or “individual.” person, human, human being, individual work hour, staff hour “Last” means final; “latest,” most recent. Use “least” when more than two persons or things have been mentioned; use “less” when only two have been mentioned. Capitalized when referring to the U.S. Government long Never use “like” to introduce a subject and its verb; e.g., “He wrote as (not “like”) he spoke.” find Don’t use. Approved acronym is USJFCOM (see JP 1-02). trainee, beginner prove



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term mankind manmade manned manpower manufacture Marine Corps and Navy, U.S. Preferred Usage or Comment humanity, human beings, humankind artificial, synthetic, manufactured staffed human resources, workforce, labor force make Although they are in the same Military Department and under the same Secretary, the Marine Corps and the Navy are separate Military Services. Therefore, the term “Navy” doesn’t include the Marine Corps. increase to the maximum extent possible Use if an action is optional/conditional. plural, “memorandums” Don’t use. The term “military” includes “naval.” The Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Air Force, including the Reserve Components, which include the Army and the Air National Guards of the United States. When referring to the Secretaries of the three Military Departments and the Secretary of Homeland Security (for the U.S. Coast Guard when it isn’t operating as a Service in the Navy), use “the Secretary concerned.” When referring only to the Secretaries of the three Military Departments, use “the Secretary of the Military Department concerned,” “the Secretary of each Military Department,” or “the Secretaries of the Military Departments.” Don’t use “the Secretaries of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force,” or “the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Navy, and the Secretary of the Air Force.” The branches of the Armed Forces of the United States, established by act of Congress, in which persons are appointed, enlisted, or inducted for military service, and which operates and is administered within a Military or Executive Department. The Military Services are the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, and the Coast Guard. The term “Military Services” includes the Reserve Components, which include the Army and the Air National Guards of the United States. least, lowest, smallest at a minimum

maximize maximally may memorandum military and naval Military Departments

Military Secretaries

Military Services

minimal minimally



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term minimize mitigate modification monitor mother or father must N Nation national National Command Authorities National Guard Capitalized when referring to the United States (“the Nation”) Capitalized only when part of a proper noun. Don’t use. Refer to the President or the Secretary of Defense. Take special care with the National Guard. The State organizations, which are the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard, must be distinguished from their federal counterparts, which are the Army National Guard of the United States and the Air National Guard of the United States. Taken together, the State organizations make up the “National Guard.” The federal organizations, however, cannot be taken together because the Army National Guard of the United States is a component of the Army, while the Air National Guard of the United States is a component of the Air Force. The National Guard, together with the Navy Militia, make up the organized, federally-recognized militia of the 50 States. When members of the National Guard enter active service, they are “called into federal service.” Once on duty, they are “in federal service.” Although they are in the same Military Department and under the same Secretary, the Navy and the Marine Corps are separate Military Services. Therefore, the term “Navy” doesn’t include the Marine Corps. cause, need, require small, trifling however, even so, but Avoid using these words unless contrasted with “not normal” or “not normally.” Don’t use. Approved acronym is USNORTHCOM (see JP 1-02). often by, before Preferred Usage or Comment reduce lessen, ease change check, watch “either parent” or “parent” Use if an action is mandatory.

Navy and Marine Corps, U.S.

necessitate negligible nevertheless normal, normally NORTHCOM not infrequently not later than



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term not often numerals Preferred Usage or Comment seldom Use Arabic numerals for units of measurement, time, and money. Otherwise, use an Arabic numeral for the number 10 or more; for a number smaller than 10, write the number out. many, most get prevent Don’t refer to a civilian official as an “officer.” Refer to a civilian official as a “person,” “employee,” or “official.” because after June 30, 1990 for at his or her request when, on start Office of the Secretary of Defense. Use acronym only. Acronym doesn’t need to be established. should Use “more than” when referring to a number; e.g., “There were more than (not “over”) 500 people at the meeting.” since, because limits, boundaries Avoid placing phrases in parentheses when they are stronger as part of the sentence. take part Avoid using when referring to a person Don’t use this word for the English article “a.” Avoid the Latin terms “per annum” and “per day.” Instead, use “a year” and “a day.” Don’t use this word for “in accordance with” or “pursuant to.” percent do

numerous O obtain obviate officer on account of on and after July 1, 1990 on behalf of on his or her own application on the occasion originate OSD ought over owing to the fact that P parameters parenthetical expressions participate in party per

percentum perform



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term permit person Preferred Usage or Comment let, allow If referring to a member of a Military Service, use “Service member,” “member,” “officer,” or “enlisted member.” If not a member of a Military Service, refer to him or her as a “person.” about, of, on If you’re referring to the specific process of the DoD - the major program that is a cornerstone of DoD’s mission - then it is capitalized. If you are simply referring to the acts of planning, programming, budgeting, etc., it’s lowercase. police officer part have possible, workable Vary this overworked word with “virtually,” “almost,” and “nearly.” prevent based dominant, main, chief chief, outstanding, foremost, first ready persuade widespread preventive past before Capitalized chance, likelihood being prepared issue, publish first or original, model if guides

pertaining to Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution policeman portion possess practicable practically preclude predicated predominant preeminent prepared prevail upon prevalent preventative previous previously, previous to, prior to Principal Staff Assistant probability process of preparation promulgate prototype provided, provided that provides guidance for



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term providing Preferred Usage or Comment Don’t use when the meaning is “if” e.g., “Providing low-cost houses is a problem, but the problem will be solved if the builders get supplies.” Avoid using this term as it’s usually redundant. Capitalize when citing section and number (e.g., “section 456 of Public Law 98-176”) use lowercase when the meaning’s general (e.g., “those public laws”). Correct abbreviation is “PL” buy Use “pursuant to” when the action being taken is authorized or required by your reference. Use “in accordance with” if the action being taken is consistent with this particular reference, but the reference neither requires nor forbids the action. “Under” should generally only be used to cite the authority of an individual. decide because gets, got show Capitalized keep retired pay first steps, basics must, will Action is required unless justifiable reason exists for not doing so. to Don’t use. Approved acronym is USSOCOM (see JP 1-02). ask for some child, children Don’t use. Approved acronym is USSOUTHCOM (see JP 1-02). named Don’t use. Use “Combatant Command” or name the specific

provisions of public law

purchase pursuant to

R reach a decision reason is because, reason is that recipient of reflect Reserve Components retain retirement pay rudiments S shall should so as to SOCOM solicit some of son or daughter SOUTHCOM specified (as in mentioned or listed) Specified Command



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term spokesman State STRATCOM subsequent subsequent to, subsequently successfully completes or passes T terminate terrible disaster terms to avoid end disaster Avoid using pairs of words having the same effect, such as those below. Instead, use the broader or narrower term, as the meaning requires. “any and all” “authorized and directed” “authorized and empowered” “by and with” (except for Senate confirmation cases) “desire and require” “each and all” “each and every” “final and conclusive” “full and complete” “full and adequate” “full force and effect” “means and includes” “necessary or desirable” “null and void” “order and direct” “over and above” “sole and exclusive” “terms and conditions” “type and kind” “unless and until” Preferred Usage or Comment command. spokesperson Capitalize when referring to one or more of the United States. Don’t use. Approved acronym is USSTRATCOM (see JP 1-02). later, after, next next, later, following, then, after completes or passes



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term that and which (to begin restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses) Preferred Usage or Comment “That” introduces a restrictive clause; “which” introduces a nonrestrictive clause. A test of whether a clause is one or the other is to omit it. If the omission changes the meaning, results in a statement that doesn’t make sense, or is incomplete, the clause is restrictive. If the clause can be omitted without changing the meaning, it’s nonrestrictive. A restrictive clause isn’t set off by commas; e.g., “The fish that I caught’s a pike.” A nonrestrictive clause is set off by commas; e.g., “The talks, which ended Monday, concerned export equipment.” this, these whether doubtless, no doubt today so as far as go beyond Don’t use. Approved acronym is USTRANSCOM (see JP 1-02). send happen, occur “Under” should generally only be used to cite the authority of an individual. When citing a document as your authority (reference), use “pursuant to” when the action being taken is authorized or required by your reference. Use “in accordance with” if the action being taken is consistent with this particular reference, but the reference neither requires nor forbids the action. Don’t use. Use “Combatant Command” or name the specific command. Not capitalized. The uniformed services are the Army; the Navy; the Air Force; the Marine Corps; the Coast Guard; the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS); and the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Proposed issuances that apply to the Commissioned Corps of DHHS and NOAA, must be coordinated with those organizations. If intended to refer to a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or U.S. Coast Guard, recommend you not use this terminology as it will cause confusion with the term “uniformed

the following the question as to whether there is no doubt that this date thus to the extent that transcend TRANSCOM transmit transpire U under

unified command uniformed services

uniformed Service member



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term Preferred Usage or Comment services,” which, as defined in Joint Publication 1-02, applies to the U.S. Public Health Services and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as well as the Military Services. Suggest using either “Service member in uniform” or, if you must use the term “uniformed Service member,” it must be clearly defined in your Glossary as not including USPHS or NOAA members. United States, U.S. Use the abbreviation only as an adjective; spell the term out when used as a noun. Abbreviation doesn’t need to be defined upon first use or included in the glossary. When the definition exceeds the continental limits of the United States, use “the United States, its territories and possessions, and all waters and airspace subject to its territorial jurisdiction.” See “Armed Forces of the United States.” Capitalized; correct abbreviation, “U.S.C.” until on Capitalized United States Africa Command United States Central Command United States European Command United States Joint Forces Command United States Northern Command United States Pacific Command United States Southern Command United States Special Operations Command United States Strategic Command United States Transportation Command use confirm cost, worth word for word, exact workable Use “and,” or “or,” depending on the meaning; e.g., instead of

United States Armed Forces United States Code until such time as upon U.S. Government USAFRICOM USCENTCOM USEUCOM USJFCOM USNORTHCOM USPACOM USSOUTHCOM USSOCOM USSTRATCOM USTRANSCOM utilize, utilization V validate value verbatim viable virgule (/)



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances Term Preferred Usage or Comment “production/deployment,” use “production and deployment,” “production or deployment.” Occasionally use of “and/or” may be appropriate, but it should be restricted to avoid confusion. W website, Website When referring to a website in general, it will be lowercase. When referring to a website by name, e.g., “DoD Issuances Website,” it must be capitalized. when since, while by which in which, where whether, if “Which” introduces a nonrestrictive clause. A test of whether a clause is nonrestrictive is to omit it. If the clause can be omitted without changing the meaning, it’s nonrestrictive. A nonrestrictive clause is set off by commas; e.g., “The talks, which ended Monday, concerned export equipment.” surviving spouse spouse Use if an action is required/required in the future. to, for on, about on, about on, about except for to worker worker's compensation

whenever whereas whereby wherein whether or not which (to begin a nonrestrictive clause)

widow or widower wife or husband will with a view to with reference to with regard to with respect to with the exception of with the purpose of workman workman's compensation X X-ray

Don’t use as a verb. Use “examine,” “treat,” or “photograph with X-rays.”



Writing Style Guide and Preferred Usage for DoD Issuances APPENDIX 2 LIST OF HYPHENATED MODIFIERS USED IN DoD ISSUANCES

built-in cargo-handling case-by-case combat-ready common-use computer-based container-handling cost-effective cross-country day-to-day decision-making DoD-appropriated DoD-associated DoD-established DoD-incurred DoD-wide double-spaced energy-related exclusive-use first-class first-rate flag-raising full-scale full-time general-purpose government-controlled government-owned

high-level high-speed in-depth intelligence-related joint-interest joint-Service land-based large-scale life-cycle live-in long-distance long-haul long-range long-term military-controlled minimum-essential off-base off-campus off-duty off-the-shelf on-board one-time part-time personnel-intensive point-to-point post-development

retail-level record-keeping roll-on, roll-off security-related self-propelled self-sustaining Service-unique shipboardinstalled short-term single-Service single-source single-user stand-alone State-owned tax-exempt technologysharing theatre-specific time-phased two-person uni-Service well-informed work-sharing X-ray



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