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Decision Making Paper


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Decision Making Case Study
Monica Bellow
Jon Sowers

Decision Making Case Study Law Enforcement Departments continually face scrutiny from the public due to abuse of authority, amounts of force used, and vehicular pursuits that end with serious injuries or fatalities. This essay discusses a case study involving Officer Raymond Ripley of Pineville County Sheriff’s Department, and situations the sheriff is now confronted with due to Officer Ripley’s behavior. Centralized Concerns
Within the last year, Pineville County Sheriff’s Department suffered through a lawsuit pertaining to a vehicular pursuit involving a fourteen year old boy who was joy riding in his parents car. During the pursuit the boy was killed when the car crashed. (Peak, 2010. Ch.5) The incident sparked an outcry with the public for better policies, regulations and training. In an effort to appease the public and ease the departments’ scrutiny, the sheriff immediately changed the course of action policy taken involving a vehicular pursuit. Supervisors now call a halt to any vehicular pursuit that does not involve a violent crime, or dangerous situations of possibly ending in a liability. Another change made by the sheriff was that no warning shots are to be fired unless the situation warranted it. Every officer within the department has been appraised and trained in these new procedures. (Peak, 2010. Ch.5)
Deputy Raymond Ripley of the Pineville County Sheriff’s Department recently completed his field training within the last six months, and takes every chance he has to engage in a pursuit either on foot or vehicular. Recent reports have come into the Sheriff’s office involving vandalism, and theft of building materials in the area. Officer Ripley takes on an extra patrol that has him patrolling an industrial park. Before advancing to his beat, the officer drives by his house and picks up his pet German shepherd then proceeds to his patrol zone. While patrolling the industrial park, Officer Ripley notices a private vehicle parked in this area. Officer Ripley chooses to investigate the car with his spotlight on. The driver of the car touches the brake lights for just a second, and then goes out. Officer Ripley chooses to examine the vehicle, and alerts dispatch for help should a burglary is in process. As Ripley advances towards the car, the driver steps on the gas heading straight for officer Ripley. At 30 yards away, Ripley lets the dog out of the back of the car, then turns and shoots a warning shot from his firearm into the ground. At half the distance to the officer, the car veers away and speeds off. Officer Ripley screams for the car to halt, and as it is passing fires a taser gun at the car hitting the side. Officer Ripley jumps in his patrol car to follow, and then calls dispatch to relay the information to the department. (Peak, 2010. Ch.5) Use of Force Regulations
Officer Ripley discharged his firearm at the ground warning the suspect that he would shoot to protect himself. Even though the sheriff passed new restrictions on firing warning shots, the situation was warranted. Under the National Institute of Justice’s use-of-force policy states,” officers are instructed to respond with a level of force appropriate to the situation at hand acknowledging that officer’s tactics mat change in a second. (NIJ, 2009, Aug.) The use of the Taser by Deputy Ripley was improper and in violation with policies because he was not trained in the use of the taser. Vehicular Pursuit
Officer Ripley engaged in a vehicular pursuit shortly after the getaway car sped away. The pursuit is justified because the driver of the vehicle threatened Ripley’s life by speeding towards him to do fatal harm. Officer Ripley told the driver to halt, which he did not, then continued to speed at Ripley at a high rate speed. The sheriff of Pineville County recently made changes to policies involving police pursuits stating that pursuits are to be shut down if the pursuit did not involve a violent crime, or pose a danger of a liability suit. Officer Ripley is justified in his pursuit due to the fact the suspect advanced towards him to run him down which became a felony. (Peak, 2010)
Warning Shot
Although there is a new policy concerning firing warning shots that states warning shots are not to be fired unless the situation warrants, Officer Ripley was justified in firing the warning shot because of the actions of the driver in the suspect vehicle. When the suspect sped towards Ripley at a high speed the driver threatened Ripley’s life. According to the FBI, “agents cannot use deadly force against an individual except in self defense, or to protect another human being. Agents must believe their life is in danger of serious bodily harm or death. (Burke, 1997). Procedures and Policies
Should the individuals in the vehicle file a complaint against Officer Ripley for violations for his actions with the dog, the taser, and the warning shot are covered through the department’s policies that document each situation involving vehicular pursuits, violent crimes, use-of-force, and any abuse of authority involving officers. Officer Ripley would face disciplinary actions for any violations of procedures he committed during the incident. Two parts of the complaint are violations against procedures. One was Ripley bringing his pet dog along while on duty, and the second was the officer using a taser. Officer Ripley was not authorized, or trained in the use of the taser, and should not have brought the dog along. Officer Ripley was justified in firing a warning shot notifying the suspect of his intent because the suspect threatened his life with his vehicle. Additional Policies
Officer Ripley’s repeated violations of the departments policies concerning the dog and the taser is unacceptable, and shows weakness in the departments procedures. Officer Ripley’s previous behavior which led to his nickname “Racin’ Ray” shows his disregards for proper procedures. (Peak, 2010). The policies that are in effect are not sufficient. As Sheriff, changing policies and requiring officers to adhere to more frequent training sessions involving possible situations officers may encounter, and review of procedures would strengthen the officer response. Conclusion
Law Enforcement Departments continually face scrutiny from the public due to abuse of authority, amounts of force used, and vehicular pursuits that end with serious injuries or fatalities. According to Samuel Walker (2007), “Accountability is essential in today’s policing. Officers as well as their departments should be held accountable for their actions. Accountability includes the behavior of the officer, and how well he or she performs.” The Sheriff of Pineville County is partially responsible for his officer’s actions. Had the sheriff disciplined Office Ripley for his previous behavior he may have remembered to properly represent his department through his behavior in this current incident. Retraining of officers in policies and procedures would encourage officers to use sound judgments when situation arise.

Burke, T.W. (1997, Jan 6). Warning Shots: A Change in Perspective. Retrieved on January 28, 2013 from
The National Institute of Justice (2009, Aug.). The Use –of Force- Continuum. Retrieved on Jan. 28, 2013 from
Peak, K. (2010). Justice administration: police, courts, and corrections management (6thed.)Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Walker, S. (2007, May). Police Accountability: Current Issues and Research Materials. Retrieved on January 28, 2013 from

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