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Decision Making Process


Submitted By keontjordan
Words 623
Pages 3
Decision Making Process
April 30, 2013
Jenny Williams

Decision Making Process
There are several steps in the decision-making process. Have you ever wondered how do you make the decision that you make? In my paper I will be discussing each step of the decision making process. I will also compare my decision making process to the one in the text. Also I will include how my decision outcome would have been different if I would have made another decision by following the decision making process. I will be discussing a time in my life where I had to make a bug decision. I think that the decision that we make along the way can sometimes come back and ruin your life.
Decision making process
The first step in the decision making process is to identify and detect the problem. This step lets you reveal whatever the problem is to inform you that a problem exists. A few years ago, my friend told me that they were hiring where she was working, she knew I was looking for a job and I told her that I would think about it because working with friends can be a problem sometimes. So a couple of months went by on the job and I saw that my friend was taking things from the store. So the problem was should I tell on my friend. The second step in the decision making process is to generate alternatives to the situation; either I would have to tell on my friend or put in my two week notice. I had to really think about all my options that were available to me. The third step in the decision making process is to evaluate your alternatives, going over all your alternatives and carefully reviewing and seeing which decision that is best for you. The fourth step in the decision making process is choosing which options is right for you. I had to really go over all my options several times, I had to ask myself should I be loyal to my friend or should I turn her

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