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Decisions in Paradise Part 3


Submitted By tigerfun
Words 1026
Pages 5
Problems Formulation and Identification Problem identification and formulation is the most critical element of the decision-making process. Problems defined as perceived gaps between an existing state and the desired state, a deviation from the norm, status quo or set standard; difficulties arise when the solution to mend the deviation is not clear. Problem Formulation Widely known, is a well formulated problem is a problem nearly solved. Breaking up a complex and unclear situation into a set of individual, well-defined problems is vital to finding solutions, (Problem Formulation, 2005). An activity aimed at identifying a problem by specifying the undesirable and problematic state currently occupied the resources currently available to move away from the problematic state, particularly the available courses of actions, and the criteria that need to be satisfied to say that a problem no longer exists, (Kirby G. & Goodpaster J. 2007). The solutions to problems may encompass many styles of decision-making, collaborative, consultative, and autocratic.
Decision-Making Model
One organization in this scenario is an owner-operated small business, the Razorback Lodge. A family-owned business where sometimes used is a collaborative decision-making model, but most times, used is a consultative model. The problem defined, formulated, and the model of decision-making decided. Another of the companies considered is a large glass manufacturer using a team setting for a collaborative decision-making style. The University of Florida is an organization included for decision-making style analysis of the autocratic style. Also discussed is an Aerospace company for the Department of Defense with its emphasis on consultative style of decision-making from the unique perspective of secret security clearance. The last company included is a large corporation involving

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