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Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Research Paper

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On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig located in the Gulf of Mexico was set to begin pumping valuable oil out from under the ocean floor. After starting the process of drilling, the crew noticed what they called “gas kicks”, the little kicks the pipe that is pumping the oil up may give if it hits a gas bubble. They had no idea how wrong they were. The Deepwater Horizon blew up after the oil well that they were pumping from failed and exploded. Massive amounts of oil came blasting out of the water and shot 240 feet into the air. The oil rig caught fire and began to sink with her crew of 126 still aboard. 11 people last their lives when the Deepwater Horizon blew, and the Gulf of Mexico is still paying the price as well.
The Deepwater …show more content…
People cannot cleanup the damage done to a species. The oil spill could have damaged the eco system that was thriving in the gulf but is now suffering because there are animals that are no longer present in the gulf. For example, in a type of algae that use to thrive in the water of the gulf could have died off because of the burning of the oil. This can lead to a fish that once lived in the gulf disappearing, it can affect all of the animals that depended on that fish for food. Birds may leave because their favorite fish to hunt in the gulf is no longer there. Land animals that caught the birds may migrate away from the gulf because there is no longer any food available in the area. A domino affect begins on the gulf’s eco system and it may never return to normal. This is what makes it impossible for people to get any man-made disaster 100% clean.
Only after the algae that once lived in the gulf has begun to grow again will the fish that use to eat it return, and with the fish, the birds make come back, and with the birds, the land animals may return. None of this is for certain. The algae that once grew in the gulf could be gone forever and the gulf will never get back the animals it lost, and forever be affected by the massive oil spill of the Deepwater

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