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Rhinoptoplasty Research Paper

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Pages 10
Before the days of modern anesthesia, just the thought of having surgery was gruesome. The fact that more than a century has passed between the discovery of the anesthetic drugs and their widespread medical use is incredible. The reality of it is, is that it was discovered only a few generations ago. In the times before this life saving drug came along, distraction could be provided by rubbing the patient with counterirritants such as stinging nettles. To induce the patient to a state of insensitivity, doctors would knock them unconscious with a blow to the jaw. By 1846, opium and alcohol were the only drugs able to diminish the pain. Now it being 169 years later, the discipline of anesthesia has expanded far beyond the operating room. There are better drugs, improved monitoring, and …show more content…
A septoplasty is the surgery to correct or straighten a deviated septum. The turbinate reduction part of the procedure is to reduce the overall size of the turbinates, allowing for airflow, which results in relief of nasal obstruction and congestion. I included rhinoplasty in with the other two procedures because most of the time if a patient has a septoplasty done, they will most likely have a rhinoplasty performed as well. A rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to reshape the nose. The reason most patients have both operations performed is because once their deviated septum is corrected, the outside of their nose is still most likely crooked. A rhinoplasty would be correcting the outside of the nose to make it straight as well as the inside of the nose which the septoplasty corrected. Patients have these procedures done on them for multiple reasons. One would be to change or improve their appearance due to a birth deformity, injury, or self pleasure. Another would be to improve their

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