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Bicultural Intercultural Identity

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Acculturation is not a linear process, but more of a bilinear or multilinear process when a person embraces more than one culture. A Bicultural relation is deemed most advantageously adaptive (Hall, 2010). Additionally, though the most obvious traditional behaviors may wane, traditional values may not.
Bicultural Identity Integration or the perception of one's mainstream and ethnic cultural identities as companionable has been found to be positively linked with temperamental factors. For example, openness to experience, low neuroticism, and negativity with seemingly relative pressures such as stress in the language area and the experiences of cultural isolation and discrimination (Chen, 2008).
Cuban Americans have the strongest ethnic identity, and often have a higher socioeconomic status than other Latino/a Americans. In having this higher status, and being considered the "model minority", they too suffer from the disadvantages and stereotypes as the Asian Americans do (Hall, 2010). …show more content…
Acculturation was found to be a function of their perception of the value of their identity (Lavooy, 2018). Ethnic Identity has been associated with self- esteem, and act as a buffer to the effects of discrimination. Children with higher self-esteem were found to be less likely to become depressed when they experienced discrimination (Lavooy, 2018). A bicultural identity is also associated with higher school grades is Latino/a American middle school. Latino/a bicultural youth were found to have better academic success and peer support than those in assimilation or maintenance groups (Hall, 2010). Because Mexican American women are becoming more acculturated and educated the dynamics of families has changed. Their power in their family and marriages has increased, but the children who are educated in the US have an upper hand or advantage over their parents (Lavooy,

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