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English 1101 Reflection

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Reflective Essay When I first started in English 1101, I expected this class to be very challenging, very difficult and very demanding. My experiences have been very challenging with learning to research topics through different resources such as the internet for online books, journals, newspapers, and handbooks. Now I think about the correct organization of my paper, using correct grammar, and making sure that my formatting style meets the criteria that the Professor has requested per MLA or APA guidelines. I learned what you have to consider about the rhetorical situations such as the purpose, the audience, the stance, the genre, and the media/design. I learned this by thinking about what I believe concerning certain things and how I expressed my emotionally views. Through persuasive writing, my focus was to persuade my readers or audience to believe as I believe. In the future, I can apply it to other essays and research papers by remembering all the rhetorical situations.
I have learned to remember when I am writing that my focus should be about writing for an academic audience. I learned this by understanding that when I write papers for academic reasons, my audience is my Professor. In the future, I can apply it to any research and essays that I write by remembering the different styles of writing for my audience. …show more content…
While researching information to include in my research papers and essays, I have completed quite a bit of reading in order to gather all my facts. Reading the researched information also helps me to gain knowledge of what I’m researching and gives me ideas on how to compose my information for writing. Reading and writing will always cross when used to learn within a classroom setting. I can apply this in the future by continuing my education, reading a variety of books daily and communicating any ideas and thoughts that I may have about a particular

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