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Nursing Informatics Research Paper

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Nursing informatics incorporates information technology with nursing science to improve the methods of health care delivery along with documentation. The goal of nursing informatics is to improve documentation accuracy, increase productivity and streamline the accuracy and analysis of clinical data. By integrating the data, nursing informatics facilitates the patient care by providing information and knowledge and support nurses and other providers in their clinical decision making. This can be accomplished by the use of information structure, information process and information technology. Communication is important in today’s complex and integrated healthcare system. As the level of patient care advances, communication continuous to extent across various health care fields and relies on the expertise of health care providers. Therefore accurate documentation is important to keeping all health care providers informed and up-to-date on …show more content…
Until this discussion, I have never thought about how much informatics as a nurse I use daily. Informatics embraces the entire care delivery system. We use informatics from the beginning of the shift to the end of shift. As healthcare become paperless, all the patient information is entitled on the Electronic Health Records (EHR). We use EHR to access patient information, laboratory and radiology values, documentation of assessment, viewing vital signs and patient’s health history etc. EHR is also used to admit, discharge, transfer and educate the patient. Electronic health records made possible to view all the patient information by health care providers anytime from anywhere. Electronic Medication Administration Record (EMAR) is used to deliver and document medication through an electronic scanning system. Computerized Provider Order Entry system (CPOE) is used to place the orders from physicians and other health care providers. Therefore the use of informatics in nursing is

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