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Amaterasu Research Paper

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Amaterasu is a god of the Japanese Shinto pantheon, Amaterasu is the goddess of the sun

whose full name means ‘ ‘ The great august god who shines in the heavens’’ another translation of

her name means ‘ ‘ In heavens illumination ‘ ‘. Amaterasu was born when the god Izanagi was

purifying himself after entering yomi ( the underworld ), Amaterasu popped out when Izanagi

washed out his left eye. Amaterasu has two children Kojiki and Nihon shoki, along with her

Siblings Susano the goddess of storms and her brother Tsukuyomi the god of the moon.

Amaterasu is said to have shared the sky with Tsukuyomi after he murdered the goddess of

food, Uke mochi she separated from him creating night and day. Amaterasu has long black

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