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Philosophy: The Importance Of Diversity In The Classroom

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The most important aspect of my philosophy of education is my belief that any and all students can learn. I believe that children learn at different rates and in different ways; as a teacher, I will do my best to include strategies and materials to meet the needs and learning styles of all of my students. I will include questioning techniques and other strategies that will challenge students at all levels and ability. I hope to extend their thinking and to stretch beyond their expectations of achievement for themselves. As a teacher, I plan to get to know each of my students and their interests. I want to know what motivates them and how they behave in different settings, including but not limited to The Physical Education setting. This information will not only help me …show more content…
I believe in establishing an atmosphere of mutual respect in the classroom between teacher and student, as well as between student and student. Ensuring mutual respect is important in establishing a classroom environment where students feel safe to take risks; taking risks is a necessary part of the learning process. I embrace the diversity of our society, and I refer to diversity in its broadest sense (race, ethnicity, gender, ability level, language proficiency, economic status, exceptionalities, learning style). I believe in utilizing the diversity of our classroom, our school community, and our neighborhoods to enrich the learning process in my classroom. I believe parents and community members can share their ideas as well. I hope they can show individual love of learning to the students. I hope they can excite them and stimulate their interests through our studies. At home they can use resources such as reference books or the internet to research topics that we study. I hope they show them how to find the answers to their questions by referring to various sources through media and technology for

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