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Guiding Young Minds


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Pages 11
Guiding Young Minds towards Biblical Truth
Erik L. Norman
Liberty University

This paper contains my personal education philosophy; which is based on a foundation of Biblical principles, which I believe to be paramount in any philosophy. One must have a belief in God the creator of all if you truly want to know the meaning of life and your role in it. I believe that students should be taught first and foremost that they live in a fallen world and that sin separates us from god the father. And only through His Jesus Christ can we restore that that broken relationship. Once this is understood, the student can begin to develop the knowledge they need to become servants in God’s kingdom. I believe that my role as educator is to help foster that relationship through a mentor/disciple relationship. Below is an explanation on how I intend to achieve this goal.

Guiding Young Minds towards Biblical Truth According to John Dewey (1997), “education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, or research. As an educator it is our job to guide the young minds entrusted to us to a greater understanding of the subjects we teach through formal instruction. A teacher will facilitate this instruction on the basis of a teaching philosophy they have developed about teaching and learning. Being a teacher is a lifestyle, a love, a passion, and a calling, not a job. Being a Christian educator has an even greater importance however, because not only are they responsible for ensuring learning and growth academically, but also of spirituality and faith. Therefore, I believe that to educate the whole child, both academically and spiritually, the Bible has to be the foundation of truth. From this truth all learning can be

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