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Pediatrician Career Paper

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Pediatricians are doctors who specialize in child health care. A pediatrician must attain their undergraduate degree, 4-year Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Osteopathy degrees, at least three years of residency, and get licensed and certified. To truly understand what a pediatrician is or how to become one, one must look at the job duties, education required, career advancement, work setting, salary along with benefits, and the future expectations of the profession.
Job Duties The job duties of a pediatrician range from helping people with medical care to helping newborns. The patients’ needs can range from either a small case of chicken pox to a deadly case of whooping cough to a child.
Responsibilities in Occupation A pediatrician’s day …show more content…
According to statistics, “one bedroom apartments in Seattle rent for $1402 a month on average and two bedroom apartment rents average $1945” (Rent trend data in Seattle, Washington, 2014). This means that the annual cost to live at an apartment would be $16,824 but the average pediatrician earns $130,629 per year which would mean there will be $113,804 remaining (Aquino, n.d.).
Benefits from Career The benefits of a pediatric job depend on the company. “According to a Pay Scale survey, 82 percent of pediatricians receive medical benefits, 54 percent receive dental benefits, and 38 percent receive vision benefits” (Richards, 2013). This means that being a pediatrician will provide the worker with many health benefits. “Pediatricians receive health insurance, sick time and paid vacation” (Richards, 2013).
Future Expectations The medical field is expanding the fastest among other fields which means that the demand for pediatricians as well as other types of health professionals will rise as well. …show more content…
As the medical field continues to make new and exciting discoveries in medicine and pediatrics, the demand for pediatricians will increase. These pediatricians will be needed to oversee new scientific studies centered on children’s diseases and finding cures. Due to this, the career outlook for pediatrics not only will continue to develop in medical facilities such as hospitals, but also in research facilities. The field of pediatrics will continue to grow as new discoveries are made and the world continues to procreate. In addition, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics continues to predict the growth of this field of medicine. In reviewing all of this, it is clear that the pediatrician career outlook is promising for the

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