...Structure & Development of the New South Wales (NSW) Primary Curriculum The New South Wales Primary Curriculum provides the framework for the outcomes based education currently in use in all Public schools in New South Wales. This essay will present a brief overview of the structure, definition, goals, influences, processes and show how it meets the needs of current and future learners. Drawing from various sources, an examination of the curriculums content and foundation, will provide a snapshot of where the educational direction is headed. Curriculum Structure and Development In 2004 the Board of Studies NSW developed the consultation paper, Defining Mandatory Outcomes in the K–6 Curriculum, which also involved surveys, submissions and state-wide consultation meetings with teachers across NSW. This process helped to bring about the current NSW Primary Curriculum Foundations Statements. Collaborating with teachers and educational professionals the statements developed by the board of studies NSW give clear direction of what must be taught through each of the stages of learning in the K-6 curriculum (The Board of Studies NSW, 2007). The NSW Primary Curriculum is structured into six key learning areas (KLA’s), English; Mathematics; Science and Technology; Human Society and its Environment; Creative Arts; and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE). The KLA’s, along with the syllabus, remain at the core of planning and programming, and are broken...
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...CURRICULUM Introduction As part of transforming South Africa, the educational landscape has undergone dramatic changes where ultimately teachers have to decide to either implement a curriculum as mandated or to adapt the curriculum to take into account their particular context. Teacher’s in South Africa battle on a daily basis with the effects of teaching large number of learners in an under-resourced context. Teachers are expected to adapt to those changes and such changes impact heavily on the roles of teachers in the classroom. They must find a way to facilitate teaching, learning and assessment despite difficult conditions. The gap between curriculum as intention and curriculum as reality confronts teachers regularly. The aim of this essay will address the narrow and broad definitions of the concept curriculum, as well as the official, explicit, implicit, covert and hidden curriculum as they are viewed by different authors. Defining Curriculum Two views on curriculum: Narrow and Broad Many educationists argue that awareness of different interpretations is important in developing a Good understanding of what curriculum is (Booyse & Du plesis, 2014: 4). However they make a point that different approaches, either as a blue print or adaption approach, may be appropriate for different situations. Take a closer look at the various interpretations: Eisner (1985) defines curriculum as a series of planned events that are intended to have educational consequences...
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...The History of Curriculum Development One Room Schoolhouses It was easier to come to consensus on ‘what’ should be taught. However, it may have been more difficult to align the curriculum, because one teacher was responsible for the entire curriculum. The Committee of Ten (1892) In 1892, The National Education Association appointed a Committee of Ten to establish a standard curriculum. This committee was composed mostly of educators and was chaired by Charles Eliot, the president of Harvard University. The Committee of Ten recommended eight years of elementary education and four years of secondary education. The committee defined four different curricula as appropriate for high school. John Franklin Bobbitt (1912-1940’s) He wrote the following books: The elimination of waste in education (1912); The curriculum (1918); and How to make a curriculum (1924). Ralph W. Tyler was one of Bobbitt’s students at the University of Chicago. Edward Thorndike (1910) Thorndike wrote that “psychology makes ideas of educational aims clearer. Psychology contributes to a better understanding of the aims of education by defining them, making them clearer; by limiting them, showing us what can be done and what can not; and by suggesting new features that should be made parts of them. When one says that the aim of education is culture, or discipline, or efficiency, or happiness, or utility, or knowledge, or skill, or the perfection of all one's...
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...Using evidence from the syllabus of your subject area at a pre-tertiary level of education in Ghana, discuss the dominant curriculum orientation(s) underlying the instructional programme. Introduction Science education has always been a part of the Ghanaian (and Sub-Saharan) culture. Modern education in Ghana came with the advent of European missionary and mercantile enterprises, and has largely become the vehicle for social upward mobility. Education in general, and science education, for that matter, is serious issues for all Ghanaians. Curriculum orientations are beliefs about what a school curriculum should achieve and how teaching, learning and assessment should occur (Eisner, 1970). The most fundamental concern of schooling is curriculum (Ornstein, 1982). These prepositions have led me to have an in depth study by evaluating the Ghanaian Basic School Science Curriculum from both the primary to the Junior High School levels trying to find out the various and dominant curriculum orientation(s) underlying the teaching and learning process of Integrated Science in schools. The Ghanaian Basic School Science Curriculum and Delivery The Ghanaian integrated science curriculum follows the “spiral approach,” treating the same themes at different times and in greater depths within each educational level. The curriculum is the modern replacement of what used to be called “nature study.” This is a generalist, survey course, which exposes the child to the universe. At this level...
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...the Study For more than 400 years, the Philippine educational system has been in constant change. From the show- and- tell method of our ancestors to today’s information age, schools have been adapting to the needs of the times. Likewise, since the formal introduction of free education during the American occupation to the recent Secondary Education Curriculum (SEC), the integral parts of our curricula have always been tailored to the needs of students (2010). In these changes, subject area content, teaching methodology and approaches, and instructional materials preparation are at the helm of constant revisions. Iringan as cited by Concepcion (2010) states, “to help the students cope with the rapid changes to understand and to succeed in the workplace we must design a curriculum oriental for tomorrow”. Curriculum Development is a monumental task. In a politically active community it’s like treading water in a hurricane while wearing concrete boots. In the present education scene, political action is the vogue; from outright lobbying to incidental persuasion, a school district’s curriculum is politically manipulated. Curriculum workers must learn how to function adroitly in such a political atmosphere (Hough, 1978). Philippine Education system revealed that a great deal was desired as the quality of education was concerned. There was a need for students to develop higher critical, logical thinking skills; communication skills values development and/or general manual skills...
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...When it comes to curriculum issues and planning, educational objectives are a central theme; but perspectives vary on how they should be formulated. This paper seeks to examine the concept of “educational objectives”; to distinguish between two types of objectives- “instructional” and “expressive”; and to justify the use of both types of educational objectives in curriculum development, from both a theoretical and practical perspective. The formulation and use of instructional and expressive objectives have implications for the selection of learning activities and evaluation; and identifying the aims and objectives of a course of study is very important to determining how they are used in curriculum development. Many theorists have sought to clarify, classify and specify the manner in which objectives should be formulated and the characteristics they should have once developed, (Eisner, 2005). Educational objectives are based on individual values, and therefore what may seem important to some educators may not be seen as important to others (Eisner, 2005); however, it is a conclusive fact that educational objectives are important for curriculum development. Tyler (2010) states that by outlining educational objectives, “the curriculum-maker has the most useful set of criteria for selecting content, for suggesting learning activities, [and] for deciding on the kind of teaching procedures to follow” (p. 62). Gagne reiterates, “the central importance of defining educational objectives...
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...School’s information on plagiarism and this piece of work conforms to those requirements | In submitting this assignment I understand that my work may be put through Turnitin plagiarism software | My Ideal Classroom within my Ideal School Student Name: Sumera Baakza PGCE International – Dubai 5 (Education) (UK) (12-13) Module 1 Assignment Tutor Name: Ms. Alison Day Table of Contents Introduction 4 Globalization & the IT Invasion - Are we ready? 5 My Ideal School 6 Core Values of My Ideal School……………………… 6 The Ideal Curriculum for My Ideal School……… 7 * The...
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...CURRICULUM REVIEW Search using the ref: 00045-2007DOM-EN Copies of this publication can also be obtained from: DfES Publication PO Box 5050 Sherwood Park Annesley Nottingham NG15 0DJ Tel: 0845 60 222 60 Fax: 0845 60 333 60 Textphone: 0845 555 60 Please quote ref: 00045-2007DOM-EN ISBN: 978-1-84478-883-5 PPSLS/D35/0107/14 © Crown Copyright 2007 Produced by the Department for Education and Skills Extracts from this publication may be reproduced for non commercial education or training purposes on the condition that the source is acknowledged. For any other use please contact HMSOlicensing@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk DIVERSITY & CITIZENSHIP You can download this publication or order copies online at: www.teachernet.gov.uk/publications Diversity and Citizenship Curriculum Review Review Group members Sir Keith Ajegbo retired in July 2006 as Headteacher of Deptford Green School, a multiethnic school with a strong reputation for Citizenship education. He is currently working as a coach on the Future Leaders Project, as a School Improvement Partner, and as an education consultant for UBS. He is also a Governor of Goldsmiths College and a trustee of the Stephen Lawrence Trust. Dr Dina Kiwan is a Lecturer in Citizenship Education at Birkbeck College, University of London. Previously she was seconded to the Home Office as the Head of Secretariat to the Advisory Board for Naturalisation and Integration (ABNI), carrying forward the implementation...
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...of Technology RIT Scholar Works Theses Thesis/Dissertation Collections 1999 Assessing career value of hospitality management curriculum from program alumni James Reid Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.rit.edu/theses Recommended Citation Reid, James, "Assessing career value of hospitality management curriculum from program alumni" (1999). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Thesis/Dissertation Collections at RIT Scholar Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses by an authorized administrator of RIT Scholar Works. For more information, please contact ritscholarworks@rit.edu. ASSESSING CAREER VALUE OF FROM HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT CURRICULUM PROGRAM ALUMNI by James A Faculty of thesis the Food, Re id R. submitted Hotel to the Travel and Management at Rochester in partial Institute fulfillment for the of of Technology the degree of Master of August Science 1999 requirements FORM I ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY School of Food, Hotel and Travel Management Department or Graduate Studies M.S. Hospitality-Tourism Management Presentation or ThesislProject Findin2S Name: J_am_e_s_R_e_id Title of Research: Date: 7/21/99 SS#: Assessing. Career Value of _ Hospitality Management Curriculum From Program Alumni Specific Recommendations: (Use other side if necessary.) Thesis ~ommittee: (I} _D_r_._R_ic_h_a_r_d_M_a_r_e_c_k_i...
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...ISSN: 1818-9687 5. Revisiting the debate on the Africanisation of higher education: An appeal for a conceptual shift TEBELLO LETSEKHA 44. 19. Improving schools: The importance of culture JACKY LUMBY Mentorship challenges in the teaching practice of distance learning students 54. 71. A managerial perspective of the role of secondary school learners in the development and implementation of a code of conduct Adolescents' gender stereotypes, differences and other aspects of behaviour in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa C.F. STEINMANN TUNTUFYE MWAMWENDA VOLUME 8 / 2013 29. ELIZE DU PLESSIS Practitioners’ Corner Good policy, bad results: An investigation into the implementation of a plagiarism policy in a faculty at a South African university ESRINA MAGAISA THE INDEPENDENT Formerly The Journal of Independent Teaching and Learning The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning is a peer-reviewed journal, which focuses on making a difference to educators at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. It publishes original contributions of interest to researchers and practitioners in the field of education. The following types of contribution will be considered for publication: • research-based empirical, reflective or synoptic articles that would be of interest to the educational practitioner • review articles that critically examine research carried...
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...Joan Didion: What is Home? In Joan Didion’s essay “On Going Home” she writes about leading a double life. She feels like one person when she’s with her husband and daughter in Los Angeles, and a completely different person when back “home” surrounded by her childhood family in the Central Valley of California. During this particular trip, she begins to reflect on her life in Los Angeles. Didion contemplates the fact that she often feels uneasy around her husband, just like he feels uneasy being around her family. At a crossroad, she must decide not only who she is, and the life she wants, but also the kind of life she wants for her daughter. Her life in Los Angeles has cleansed her from her youth—one that was dusty and full of useless trinkets. She ponders the time her husband wrote the word “D-U-S-T” on those useless trinkets and she remembers her feelings of sadness and indignation. She says, “We live in dusty houses…filled with mementos quite without value to him” (139-40). The dust-covered trinkets signify what is important to her, or what needs to be addressed in her marriage. Yet, these objects just lay there waiting for someone to see them—for someone to dust them off and care for them—not unlike how Didion wishes her husband would see her and nurture her in their marriage. Didion wonders which of her two homes is normal or if they are both flawed. When she and her husband are with her family, he becomes apprehensive about her behavior, “…because once there I fall...
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...THE THESIS PROPOSAL: DESIGNING CURRICULUM Objectives of these Guidelines: These guidelines will prepare the student to be able to: 1. List and describe the chapters and subsections of a thesis proposal and a research report and their proper order. 2. Describe the characteristics of an appropriate proposal title. 3. Compare and contrast the styles appropriate for (1) a dissertation or thesis, (2) a research proposal, (3) a research report, (4) a professional paper, and (5) a journal article. CURRICULUM PROPOSAL OUTLINE Cover Page Table of Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction (Need for the Study, Justification) Problem Statement Objectives Definitions of Terms Limitations of the Study Basic Assumptions Chapter 2 - Review of Literature (Can have sections deemed necessary) Chapter 3 - Procedures Curriculum Design Subject Selection Outcome Measures (of the project/thesis) Conditions of Presenting the Curriculum Treatments - What are the Unit(s)/Lessons? Evaluation (of the subjects after each lesson) *plus ** Chapter 4 presentation should follow the same sequence and topics as that presented in Chapter 3. ** Chapter 4 - Results (The actual unit(s) & lessons) Findings Relative to problem Field Test Results Summary of Data Chapter 5 - Discussion *Bibliography *Appendices ELEMENTS OF THE CURRICULUM PROPOSAL Cover Page Follow the style prescribed by the style manual suggested by the university...
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...(FLE) was introduced into the formal curriculum in the mid 1960’s. During the 1970’s there was an increasing number of pilot programmes especially at the secondary level. However, by 1983, Family Life Education activities accelerated with USAID-funded project which was implemented at different levels of the education system, nationally. Activities during the project included training of teachers and guidance counsellors to infuse FLE in the appropriate subject areas and the production of teacher and student materials. These materials included syllabi for grades 1-6 and for grades 7-11. Subsequently, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Culture continued to trained teachers and Guidance Counsellors and to reproduce supplementary materials as part of the process of institutionalizing FLE in the school system. However, despite the several efforts of the Ministry and others agencies which deliver FLE in the formal sector, a critical observation has been that FLE programmes have not produced the desired effect on students and, by extension, on family life and stability in communities. As a result critics have pointed to a lack of standardized delivery modes, duplication of efforts leading to insufficient use of resources and inadequate resources, to explain their observation. In the beginning from indications, the articulation of policy on FLE was necessary and timely. There were various interest groups completing for slots in the curriculum and the various claims on the available...
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...| People Data | Name | : | Kadzinga, Steven Tawanda | ID | : | 2013050011 | Birthday | : | 22/08/1991 | Assessment Data | Program | : | Bachelor of Business Administration Accounting | Center | : | Main Campus | Bulletin | : | 2010-2012 Bulletin | Date Start | : | 01/05/2013 | Date End | : | 31/12/2017 | Basis of Adm. | : | 2 'A' Levels Plus 6 'O' Levels | Observation | : | | Advisor | Name | : | Ndlovu, Ivonne Lec - Lecturer | Title | : | | Academic Variables | Admission Status | Date | Type | Document | 01/05/2013 | Regular | 1 | | Academic Status | Date | Type | Document | 01/05/2013 | Active | 1 | | Documents Control | Academic Record | 2013 1st Semester :: Main Campus | Mode / Type / Cond | Crd. | Grd. | Qpt. | | | MATH | 181 | Business Algebra | Reg / Core / regular | 3.00 | C | | | | INSY | 110 | Computers and Business Information Systems | Reg / Core / regular | 3.00 | B | 7.00 | | | CONV | 101 | Convocation [1st Year 1st Semester] | Reg / Core / regular | 0.00 | S | 0.00 | | | ACCT | 111 | Financial Accounting 1A | Reg / Core / regular | 4.00 | C | 8.00 | | | ORIE | 100 | Orientation | Reg / Core / regular | 0.00 | S | 0.00 | | | RELT | 215 | Philosophy of Christian Education | Reg / Core / regular | 2.00 | | 0.00 | | | MGMT | 155 | Principles of Management | Reg / Core / regular | 3.00 | B+ | 7.00 | | | ECON | 215 | Principles of Microeconomics | Reg / Core / regular | 3...
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...Curriculum In Quality Education By : Rohmat Muflikhul Huda 1. Introduction In education we are never separated from the curriculum. The basis for the creation of curriculum educational settings. The curriculum is said to be successful if the trip went smoothly, and can be said to be in accordance with the plan. However, the curriculum is said to fail when encountering many obstacles along the way that makes the pace of the curriculum itself becomes obstructed. There are at least 4 times a change of curriculum in Indonesia, that began 94 years, from 1994 to the enactment of curriculum, until now is curriculum 2013. I chose this topic, because of the many debates every time to discuss curriculum that affect the level or quality of education itself. Basically, the quality of education itself is not only influenced by the course curriculum, but the way teachers teach and also the effectiveness of the learning process also greatly affect the quality of education. That which will be discussed later in this article, so it is not just the curriculum that will be discussed in this article, but the effectiveness, a great system in education, and also a good way of how the education will also be discussed in this article. 2. Discussion Background Research Education is very important in the lives of individuals around the world. It is also generally recognized that education is a key element in the socio – economic nation building. Each level has its own...
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