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Definition Essay Prejudice

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Prejudice Essay
Prejudice is a weapon that wounds many people all around the world deeply. Some people never recover from those wounds. It has been around since the beginning of time and is not going to go away anytime soon. There are numerous types of prejudices, ranging from racism to judging the way someone dresses. There are countless ways prejudice affects people, but three of them are depression, change in behavior, and uselessness.

Depression is a mental condition that people are rarely born with, they get it from life experiences. Extreme prejudice, such as racism, can easily cause depression. At first, the person who is getting racist comments will be angry or just simply ignore the comments. If it continues over time, their reactions will cause a sadness instead of anger or hatred. Some of the worst cases are when people have to deal with racism on a day to day basis. They might eventually feel like there is no place …show more content…
Sometimes a person that is younger than someone is deemed stupid because of the fact that he/she is young. If these people were put on the same team, such as a team of doctors, they would fail. The young doctor would feel useless on the team. If the older doctor kept shutting up the younger doctor it would also be dangerous because the younger doctor would be discouraged to bring up anything to the table. The feeling of useless could also stop the doctor from doing his job. It could have been something extremely vital, but the young doctor is too afraid to be embarrassed again. There are many possible scenarios like this that could happen due to prejudice.

Prejudice is very dangerous, and could be extremely costly. Unfortunately, there are way too many prejudices in this world. Many people are affected around the world. People should think first before degrading or judging someone else. Three ways that it could affect people are depression, change in behavior, and

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