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Definition Essay: What Is Legacy?

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Legacy. What is legacy? By dictionary definition the second meaning behind legacy, is anything that is handed down form the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor. In my eyes, the meaning of legacy is similar to the dictionary definition but differs a little. I see legacy as a remembrance of a person. Not necessarily the person themselves but the values they held, the actions they took, and impact they left behind. In a sense, a legacy can be a guide for another person to follow in the footsteps of those they look up to. As it is used and remembered it becomes bigger than what it originally was. One legacy leads to the creation of another and in the words of Jim Rohn constructs something “we could only imagine.” So, what legacy do I want to create? …show more content…
Sometimes we wish for things that seem out our reach or too farfetched to achieve. We tend to let go of those things that we long to do with our lives and settle for what is more plausible. I think that falling for the “achievable” holds us back and keeps us from actually pursuing the things we wish to do. We lose our belief and undermine our abilities to accomplish it. I myself can get caught up in the what ifs of the future but I have never stopped believing my dreams nor have I lost my determination. When I pursue activities, whatever it may be, I am determined to complete it. I continue to work at it until I have reached where I would like to be. Along with that I have faith in my abilities and continue to believe in what I can accomplish. This is something I think many people loose throughout their lives and I hope that my legacy can push them to keep on believing and stay

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