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Why Cheating Is Wrong

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Conventional wisdom has it that cheating is inappropriate and an indicator of laziness, care, and/or intelligence. It is rare to hear a counterargument for this standard way of thinking other than from a high-schooler making excuses for being caught cheating on a test. I’d like to first establish a definition of what “cheating” implies in this context; for this purpose, I chose the first Google definition of the verb “cheat”, which is to “act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.” Overall, I would argue two statements specifically – first, that it is always the outcome that should be of most importance, not necessarily the act, and second, that there are always shades of grey to every scenario. I would suggest that while most instances of cheating are unjustified, there are some cases where one could argue the act to be acceptable.
When it comes to the topic of consequentialist ethics being applied to the act of cheating, there is one important example to consider. Lance Armstrong has a famous legacy of having drugged himself, lied, and cheated his way to victory multiple times throughout his career; …show more content…
Although it is true that the result ended up saving thousands or millions of lives, it is worth considering the ethical path taken to get there. Yet, he revealed an entire industry of cheaters, as all participants of the Tour de France have been taking some form of substance since the early days of the competition to assist in pain management and endurance. Is it fair to insist one individual was wrong in his actions for doing what he felt he had to in order to even be a relevant candidate in a race? I would argue what he did was acceptable given the circumstances and the outcome, yet had he achieved his success on his own it would have been more

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