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Human Contact Research Paper

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In a dimly lit room, a woman sits behind her desk and stares at her computer as she types quickly into the keyboard in front of her. She is alone at home, yet she has the entire world at her fingertips. Modern technology has greatly altered many aspects of today's society, but one of the most drastic changes has been the elimination of human interaction. With modern tools and inventions, there is no longer a need to leave the house to perform daily tasks like renting movies or shopping for clothes, and this consequently leads to not having the desire to leave the house at all. The limitation of human contact has had an extremely negative effect on many people's lives, and the decrease in socialization is quickly creating a more tense and less accepting human race. As …show more content…
Without these interactions, people cannot develop the skills needed to collaborate or be comfortable around friends and strangers. Without human contact, people will also lose the valuable time spent communicating and discussing issues that is needed in creating opinions and views about the world. There is only so much a computer can teach, and much of the knowledge needed to thrive in life is only available through the connection humans have with other humans. Spending time with friends and family is something that brings joy to many people. Even those who would rather spend their time alone are empowered by the support of people who care about them and are not living full lives without it. Some may argue that as technology advances, it is important that humans evolve along with it; however, the change that technology brings can be negative if people follow along too quickly. Spending all hours of the day on a device can have terrible effects on the brain and eyes, as well as the toll it takes on interaction. It also eliminates the time people could be spending outside, or in a new environment. It is important to remember that new technology is not always equivalent to a

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