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Define Success Definition Essay

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Definition of Success Throughout Life
In the Meriam Webster dictionary, success is defined as a favorable or desired outcome (Success). Despite this, success’s perceived meaning is accomplishing one’s goals or making one’s dreams a reality. It is important to note that one’s personal definition of success can determine one’s maturity and ideals. However, on a personal level success is tricky to define as it changes through one’s life. Another bump in defining success is that it is different for every individual. It largely depends on the circumstances of one’s upbringing as well. For a child, success is generally small scale and achievable in a single day. One example is their ability to convince their parents to buy them toys. Friendship is also a big way they define success. How much they learn in elementary and preschool is how they might define success as well. Throughout a child’s early life, this small view of success is largely uniform and does not expand until they enter high school.
Success’s definition changes and starts to vary from person to person for the first time when they enter high school. For the scholarly, academics determine whether they are a success. Others, namely the athletes, define success as how well they do in sports. Finally, there are the nerdy who define success, as having more …show more content…
For the slacker, success is the survival of day-to-day trials such as completing an essay or finishing the reading on time. For some, it is the balancing of work, school, and fun. Then there are the hard workers whose definition is either graduating honors or getting an excellent job afterward. However, in a party college, an active social and romantic life or how much alcohol someone can drink are bigger factors for determining whether someone is a success. Overall, a college student’s definition of success tends to be very

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