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Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

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Society today and in the middle ages was set up and looked at very differently. Geoffrey Chaucer wrote the Canterbury Tales, a collection of 24 stories to recreate and show people how society was run and looked at, to show people what life was like in all points of views. However, in these stories, he adds his own opinions of how society should be ran. In this story Chaucer uses 23 characters to introduce society and what it was made up of. I have three favorite characters from this story, some corrupt and some not.

First of all, one of my favorite characters is the Friar, a roaming priest with no ties to the monastery. In those times, Friars were a great object of criticism, always ready to befriend young women or rich men who might need help, however, Chaucer's Friar becomes worldly and is accustomed to accepting bribes. I like this character not because of the way he acts, but because of the way he shows people how not to act. I believe that Chaucer was showing whoever was going to read this story how even the most holiest of men and women can look good on the inside but very corrupt on the inside, only caring about themselves. …show more content…
The Parson, is the only devout christian in these stories, and lives in poverty but is always thinking holy thoughts and doing good deeds. The Parson is the preacher of a good town and makes sure he practices what he preaches. The Parson is one of my favorite characters because he is everything the Friar is

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