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College Essays-The Art Of Graffiti

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The Art of Graffiti Some people say that art and graffiti are two different things. Which makes sense, one is adored and one is despised. One gets bought, and one gets scoffed at and removed for public eye. However, most people don’t actually know the definition of one of, or both of, these words. The definition of art is “Something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings.” Sounds about right, although I, personally, don’t find the majority of the art created very beautiful, but, oh well, c'est la vie. Also, the definition of graffiti is “Writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place.”S, now that you know the definitions of both words, time to learn some facts. …show more content…
One common use of graffiti is to disseminate political ideas, meaning that they don’t like the political candidates or what they’re doing in the political run in the first place. People also use it to rebel against authority and media, meaning they know it’s illegal and they want to get under the cops and governments skin and do it anyway. Also, on the flip side of the coin, they could also use it to support the political candidates and everything they are doing. Graffiti is illegal though, for completely legitimate reasons. Graffiti is considered a form of vandalism, and is illegal when it defaces public or private property, under the California Penal Code 594. Graffiti is protected under the First Amendment only if the owner of the property gives consent for the Graffiti artist to do what he or she needs to do. If, at any point the owner of the property wants the art off of their property, they need the artist who did the graffiti’s permission. It is against the First Amendment for them to just take it down, they need the artist’s and the government’s

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