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Why Do Wb Red Blood Cells

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Total Blood Cell Count white blood cells (WBS) red blood cells (RBC)
Blood volume consists of almost 95% erythrocytes ,which are produced primarily in the bone marrow and perform a vital function in the body, providing cells with oxygen for correct functioning, erythrocytes consist of the protein heamoglobin composed of 4 heam subunits, each carry oxygen forming oxyheamoglobin, this forms the basis of oxygen transport(kennedy, sachacki and hocking, 2008). WBC`s form about 1% of blood volume, they are much smaller and there are a variety of different types which differ slightly in structure and function, …show more content…
The sample is then placed into a clean, dry counting chamber, then left to sit for 1 min. Cells are then counted manually using a 40x objective. The central box of the heamocytometer grid (1mm2) divided into 25 are analyzed, counting RBCs in 5 out of the 25 squares identified by the distinct donut shape. square number (out of 25) red blood cell count
1 116
2 109
3 86
4 177
5 88 Total: 576

Total red blood cell count for a horse: 576/5 x 25 =2880 x 200 = 576000 x 104 cell/ml or 5.76 x 1012 /L
576/589x 100= 98% RBC

Method used to count white blood cells:
A higher concentration of blood is made 20 uL of blood to 0.38mL diluting fluid, the nuclei of WBCs become stained a deep violet black. Invert for 1 min. place into clean dry counting chamber and observe under 40x objective lens and count 1mmx1mm square. square number (1mm2) white blood cell count
1 13

Total white blood cell count for a horse: 13 x 200= 2600x 104 cell/ml or 2.6 x 109 /L
Discussion: why manual results do not match …show more content…
(2012). International Journal of Computer Applications, [online] 50, p.21. Available at: [Accessed 28 Oct. 2014].
(Bunn HF cited in Medline plus)Todd Gersten (2013) RBC count: Medlineplus Medical Encyclopedia.[online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Oct. 2014].
Hu, X., Li, Y., Xu, L., Wu, J., Huang, Y., Song, Y., Jin, D. and Zhang, J. (2001). Study on the accuracy of automated hematology analyzers in Shanghai. The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health, [online] 33, p.5. Available at: [Accessed 25 Oct. 2014]. kennedy, p., sachacki, f. and hocking, s. (2008). Biology. heinemann and ocr, p.64.& p66-67
Marlin, D. and Nankervis, K. (2002). Equine exercise physiology. [ebook] Malden: Oxford: Blackwell Science. p.69. available at: (accessed 28

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