...audience to make a blood regularly if your blood is safe to be transferred to another human being. Thesis statement: People should give blood because it is easy and though there might be a little pain involved it, while blood donation will help save so many lives and you can get great snacks. INTRODUCTION I. ATTENTION A. Attention Getter: Do you know that blood donation can help save the lives of up to three people? According to American Red Cross's blood statistics, if you began donating blood at age 17 and donated every 56 days until you reached 76, you would have donated 48 gallons of blood, potentially helping save more than 1000 lives. B. Common ground: Every two seconds, someone in the United State needs blood and more than 41,000 blood donations are needed every day. So while you may never worry about having enough blood to function, plenty of others are not as fortunate. C. Thesis: Blood donors report feeling a sense of great satisfaction after making their donation. Because help others in need just feels good. Transition: Now let us begin with the need for blood donation. BODY II. NEED A. The article "Donate" in the New York Times quoted as saying, "The stress on the blood supply is increasing. " 1. The demand for blood never lets up because according to "Give Blood" In Weekly Reader, every day thousands of people need donations to survive. 2. The blood must go through a series of time-consuming tests and then used before it perishes - whole blood for instance...
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...Advertising for Blood Donations Strayer University November 25, 2012 Instructor: Dr. Jeffrey Kersh Advertising for Blood Donations After doing careful research of blood donations, I will be addressing the causes and effects of advertising for blood donations for the past thirty years. The cause of advertising for blood donations is to generate more business for blood (plasma) donations from our community and from other parts of the U.S. The effects of advertising for blood donations is to save the community for which we live in, save more lives, and also brighten lives for those who are in need. By Dr. Sumaiya Khan Published: 3/10/2010 The major cause of advertising for blood donations is to inform the public about the necessity of donating blood. Without lifesaving blood transfusions about 4.5 million Americans would die each year (Khan, 2010). Blood donation is the act where a healthy person voluntarily has blood drawn from his or her body. It is also important that the person who is donating blood is in a healthy state, as any diseased state always affects the blood, which could make the condition more contagious. Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. Only 5% of eligible donors across the U.S. donate blood, while the requirement for transfusions is increasing by 9% every year (Khan, 2010). Blood donation is an excellent way to reduce the amount of iron accumulating in our body. Iron is a necessary mineral, but excess...
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...precious baby was born with a heart defect and must have daily transfusion of blood everyday. Or imagine any situation where a loved one is hospitalized and needs blood supply. If anything ever happened to a loved one, in a heartbeat every single one of you would do anything to save there live. Background info: Every two seconds, someone needs blood and about 1 in 7 people entering hospitals need blood. That means a lot of blood is needed. The demand for blood is high, but the supply is not. In shocking statistics according to mayoclinic.org only FIVE percent of eligible donors across the NATION donate blood. That may sound like something but nybloodcenter.org stated that 60% of Americans are eligible to donate blood. Is donating blood dangerous? According to bloodcenters.org giving blood is 100 percent safe. Donating blood is safe then everyone should donate. The blood you donate can be the reason why some people are still alive. Specific Purpose: After listening to my presentation the audience will know 3 benefits of donating blood. Transition statement: I will now tell you some of the benefits blood donation can bring. One of the benefits of donating blood is health: Blood donation removes some of the excess iron, which can cause free radical formation in the body. Blood donation can help with iron overload. According to voices.yahoo.com Studies have shown that men who donate blood on a regular basis have a lower risk of heart disease. With heart disease being...
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...Care Market-Blood Donation Health Care Market- Blood Donation According to Wikipedia, blood is a specialized bodily fluid that delivers necessary substances to the body’s cells, such as nutrients and oxygen, and transports waste products away from those same cells (Wikipedia, 2011). There has been a high demand for blood, all types of blood. Statistically speaking someone in the United States needs blood every two seconds (Rare Blood Types, 2010). Due to the high need for blood, scarcity plays a role with blood donation. This paper will discuss how scarcity resources influence the market, and the choices stakeholders are forced to make. The essay will also relay the economic flows that may affect the health care market, the causes of change in supply and demand and the affects of equilibrium price and quantity, and the pricing decisions for blood donations with elasticity or inelasticity. A resource is considered scarce when its availability is not enough to meet its demand. Scarcity is based on the idea that oftentimes a limited supply of goods or services comes up against an ever increasing demand for it, and that ever effort must be made to ensure its proper utilization and distribution to avoid inefficiency (International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design, 2005). Blood is needed for many individuals, whether it is for someone that has trauma, needed surgery, needed blood transfusion, cancer patients, etc. More than 38,000 blood donations are needed...
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...Discontinue the Ban Against Gay’s For many citizens, donating blood is as simple as filling out paperwork, waiting in line, and rolling up their sleeve. Gay men, on the other hand, are deprived of this opportunity. The United States government has placed a ban on gay men donating blood. The reasoning behind this ban is the claim that gay men hold a high risk of diseases such as HIV/AIDS. Fortunately for gay men, diseases don’t have a sexual orientation. Unfortunately for gay men, they are being discriminated against because of a law not based in science that is prohibiting them from donating to the nation’s blood supply. It is time for the government to open its eyes and remove the ban against gay men donating blood. Some believe that allowing gay men to donate blood would allow diseases such as HIV/AIDS to get into the blood supply, but heterosexuals spread HIV/AIDS just as homosexuals do. In an article written Dr. Alan Cantwell, he firmly states that “When the AIDS epidemic began officially in June 1981, it was widely considered exclusively a "gay disease." Now everyone should know that AIDS is a worldwide epidemic; and most AIDS cases are heterosexual, not homosexual” (Cantwell 5). Dr. Cantwell eliminates the opposing argument that gay men should not donate blood because it puts the blood at higher risk for infections and diseases, such as AIDS. It is an old-fashioned and uneducated idea that AIDS is a “gay” disease. AIDS is a virus, not a disease. Dr. Cantwell also states...
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...Blood Donation Campaign —One Drop One Hope— MARCH 2011 VOL. 1 ONE ISSUE #1 * General requirements : * Age: 18 - 60 years old * Weight: 45 kg and above * Health: Good health (not on any medication or antibiotics) * Rest: At least 5 hours sleep * Diet: No alcohol consumed over the last 24 hours * For Women: Not pregnant or menstruating If the following apply to you, please do not donate : * Your sexual orientation is homosexual or bisexual * You have multiple partners * You are a sex worker or visit sex workers * You are a drug user * You have a sexually transmitted infection Purpose One single donation can be split into three separate parts, helping save or improve the lives of patients. Just three teaspoons of blood can save the life of a premature baby. If you donate blood, you can help in saving lives of many patients (Maharashtra State Blood Transfusion Council, 2010). Be someone special doesn’t mean must be a Hero or a doctor , just donate blood to save the lives and make a difference. Apart from saving lives, you also get an opportunity to check blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and iron levels. Other than that, you will have better physical shape and improved fitness level compared to people who don’t donate, and you have lower risk of severe disease...
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...Cause and Effect of Advertising for Blood Donation The Cause and Effect of Advertising for Blood Donations The major cause of advertisement for blood donations is to have regular donors and a plentiful supply of blood. The primary objective of advertising for blood donation is to get the word out. Advertising helps to raise your target demographics’ awareness of the need for blood donations. Advertising for blood donations is unlike advertising for and other product. Advertisement encourage people to voluntary donate blood. Over the past 30 years advertising for blood donations has been successful. The purpose and focus of advertising blood donations is to encourage unpaid volunteers to donate blood. The blood is used in millions of cases were a humans may need a blood transfusion and for many different reasons. Advertising is also good way to increase public awareness about how donating blood helps respond teams such as Red Cross, First Aid and Hospitals respond quickly to serious and developing human needs. After World War II, American Red Cross, , introduced the first nationwide civilian blood program that now supplies more than 40 percent of the blood and blood products in this country. During the 1990s, they engineered a massive modernization of our blood services operations to improve the safety of our blood products. The Red Cross also expanded our services into such fields as civil defense, CPR/AED training, HIV/AIDS education...
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...NSS Blood donation campaign - 2016. We all know how precious it is donating blood to a needy person, how precious it is for them to acquire it in the nick of time and live a 'second' life! Citing all this a BLOOD DONATION CAMPAIGN was organized by the NSS Unit of St. John's Technical and Educational Campus on the 11th, March, 2016 from 10:00 am onwards in association with The International Lions Club, Mumbai and Kutch Yuvak Sangh, Palghar. The opening ceremony took place in the presence of Mr.Thomas Lobo (Director of St. John technical campus) and the principals of our respective sections and Mr. Sachin Urade, Mr. Milind Kamble (NSS in-charge). A welcome speech was given by NSS volunteer, Mr. Saish Sankhe. Thereafter Mr. Nilesh shah, ( Vice chairman of the District Blood Donation Committee) along with his team from the International Lion's Club & Mr. Bhaven Harin and his team from Kutch Yuvak Sangh, Palghar were welcomed with a bouquet as a token of our gratitude. Students are always encouraged to devote themselves towards the principles of community service. Organizing a Blood donation camp was just another step in this direction. Millions of people owe their lives to people whom they will never know or meet in their lifetime. They are none other than voluntary blood donors. This year an astonishingly huge response was received, with a total of 356 candidates being able to donate their blood. Every candidate had to undergo preliminary...
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...THE CAUSE AND EFFECT OF ADVERTIZING FOR BLOOD DONATION Meskerem B. Alemu ENG 115 ENGLISH COMPOSITIONS STRAYER UNIVERSITY Cathy G.Para April 25, 2013 Introduction Donating blood is one of a voluntary and interesting people they can doing at the minimum age of starting from 15 and above, and especially the youngest people involved in voluntary activities, it takes just a few time and noting affect by any donor person health. It is a great deal of emphasis placed on helping others in high school and different organization. Example, many schools require students to perform volunteering in various activities prior to graduation, the one activities is to donated blood, And in different organization employees of all ages require to helping people they are volunteering to donate blood too, in this case government agencies including military services expect involved this volunteer services, specially military department is a great location to get blood, so government should be make advertisement about blood donation in every public area. The major cause to advertising blood donation As public relation specialist, advertising is one part of the task that he/she does for succeeding the mission and vision of a certain issue, institution or organization. From the situation given on the second point, there have been many campaigns in order to promote blood donation over the last thirty years (APA, 2013). To give them Awareness The purpose and focus of these advertisements...
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...Blood Donations: The Causes and Effects of Advertising There are many people walking the face of the earth at this very moment because of the unselfish benevolence and caring of blood donors throughout the United States. This generosity, without a doubt, is responsible for saving an immeasurable amount of lives each and every year. Many individuals simply don’t know what is involved with donating blood, so they don’t or can’t bring themselves to do it. For the scores of people who can’t, they could volunteer in other areas, including making financial contributions that would help with advertising costs. Educating the general public on the pros and cons of blood donation should be at the top of the list when advertising. When the twin towers were attacked on September 11, 2001, a record number of Americans donated blood in support of the tragedy on that day. According to Korcok (2002): So much donated blood was wasted after last year's Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that US blood banks have struck a special task force to ensure that it doesn't happen again. More than 200,000 units of whole blood had to be thrown away after Americans donated 500,000 extra units in September and October. Donated blood is discarded if it remains unused after 42 days... fewer than 260 units were actually needed to treat victims of the attacks in New York and Washington. This special task force is responsible for developing consistent advertising campaigns which will focus on specific...
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...Advertising for Blood Donations in the past 30 years Over the last 30 years, there have been many movements in order to promote blood donations. Donations have always been a charitable procedure. In the past, competitions, giveaways, oppositions and other plans were used by blood banks in order to increase donations. Many donors contribute to charity, but some were paid with incentives. The major purpose of advertising for blood donations is to obtain donors who can donate blood and blood products to be stored in blood banks. The Red Cross reports that the supply is accessible thru hospitals and blood is needed every two seconds, and more than 80,000 sickle-cell patients require blood transfusions ("Donating blood," 2013). Millions of people that detect certain ailments need blood during treatments. The media is a good outlet to make legislatures understand the distinctive role in making blood donation eye-catching. Our government obligation is to provide the necessary funds for donor staffing. The second cause of advertising for blood donations give people a reason to help others. Donating blood help save millions of lives. The advancement in surgeries and cancer treatment has narrowed the blood donation standards. Periodic shortages and ancient blood donor residents have played a significant role in increasing blood demands. The latest survey recorded in the United States shows that 1.1 million blood transfusions increased in 1997 to 2.7 in 2007 ("Blood donor incentives...
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...advertising for blood donations in the past 30 years has been very effective to the outcome of the drives. Advertising is a good thing because it lets the public know when, where, and why a blood drive is being held. Advertisements are done so they can entice people to voluntarily donate blood. The blood is used in millions of cases in which a person may need a blood transfusion for many different reasons. Mostly, advertisement is used to target a certain group or demographic who are potential donors. To have regular donors and a plentiful supply of blood is the major cause of advertisement. There are natural disasters such as hurricane Katrina and super storm Sandy that came through and destroyed cities and town. Thousands of people were hurt in both that lost blood and needed a transfusion. As I found stated on www.gobag.com “Keeping an adequate supply of blood on hand is a challenge on a daily basis. There are daily occurrences that constantly draw on supplies daily such as premature births, illness, traumatic accidents and research - just to name a few. Having an adequate supply of blood immediately after a major disaster is not likely. Many people will come together AFTER a disaster to donate. It takes days to process blood before it can be used, many victims of disaster often don’t have days to wait and their lives can be lost.” (www.gobag.com, 2013). This is where good advertisement would have come in let the public know that there was a need for blood before something...
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...instructs the nation about the needs of the country, rather than that of only one clinic or patient. The blood administrations provide food blood contributors and energize the consistent blood donation. In particular, the nation profits by these donations. Here are some fascinating truths about blood donation. There are essential prerequisites for blood contributors: Age: The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has set a base age of 17 years of age and a greatest age of 65 years old for blood benefactors. Why have they set these standards? There is a need to build up a base age so the individual has the skill and ability to give right data and assent. And in addition for a greatest, to guarantee the blood donation does...
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... With association from “Talent Promotion Initiative” Teletalk has arranged a children’s art competition, where children have engaged in a day long painting competition with Bangladeshi seasonal themes. Teletalk Bangladesh Limited then published a special “Billboard Calendar” based on selected pictures from the competitions. 3. Blanket Distribution Program In Rangpur district Teletalk distributed 500 (Five Hundred) pieces of Blankets to the distressed people in the winter through Anjuman Mofidul Islam. 4. Medical Treatment for Bushra: Teletalk initiated a helping program for Bushra – a patient of blood cancer. One can send SMS for Bushra to help raise fund for medical treatment. For a girl of 3 year old needing bone marrow transplantation, Teletalk’s unique way of extending help as well as including the community at large was appreciated. 5. Blood Donation Program: Teletalk has sponsored and...
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...ARTICLE 1: COMMUNITY MUSIC LESSONS IMPROVE MINDS OF DISADVANTAGED KIDS SUMMARY This article is written by Shereen Lehman. It was about music lessons can improve the minds of children. Community based music lessons for disadvantaged youth can have positive biological effects on their brains. The children were actively playing instruments themselves rather than passively listening to others’ music. In this article, it explained that the children between the ages six and nine participated in the study published in the Journal of Neuroscience. They all went to public schools and lived in gang-reduction zones of Los Angeles. The children were split it into two groups. One group started lessons right away. For two hours per week, they received training in music fundamentals and learning to play the recorder. Most kids progressed to group instruction with instruments after six months. The second group waited a year before starting lessons. Each year the research team evaluated the children’s ability to process speech. Children who took lessons for two years showed improvements in their ability to distinguish similar sounds. However, these changes were not apparent after only one year. The music deeply engages the emotional system of the brain and children learn best when they’re excited about things. COMMENT Music is an art form whose medium is sound. It is about melody and harmony. Music is something that known as universal language. Regardless of where are you from and...
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