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Definition Essay: My Search For Meaning

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Each life has the potential to be meaningful. What that meaning is, depends on the individual. In a broad sense, meaning is derived by attaining a goal. However, meaning lies not in the achievement of the goal itself, but the personal changes that follow. Whether it be as simple as enjoying a hot summers day at the beach surrounded by family and friends, or as grand finally making the trip to Europe to paint the sunset on the Parisian sky, it’s the little moments that carry the meaning. But because no two people are the same, there is no single objective meaning of life. Every single person is different. We have different experiences, different values, diverse backgrounds. Therefore, it stands to reason that we have different goals, and different …show more content…
My dearest dream is to be able look back on my life and find some sort of meaning in it. I want to be proud of my choices, and say I’ve lived my life fully. Up until this point, I have mostly made my decisions based on whether I’d regret them, rather than if they’re meaningful. It’s a thin distinction, but a very important one. For example, choosing to spend my summers binge watching eighteen seasons of law and order SVU rather than gallivanting around the city could possibly be a less regrettable option, but not necessarily more meaningful. After reading the works by Richard Taylor and Susan Wolf, I realized my old antics were not meaningful by anyone’s standards. Because finding meaning in my life is actually very important to me, I needed to reflect on the ways I could make my life meaningful to me. Of course, there are millions of tiny changes I could make to transform my own life into something more meaningful, but I think they all boil down to a single theme; stop living the lives of others, and start living my own. The application of this rule could range from something low energy like vowing to stop spending Saturday evenings watching the wild snapchat stories of celebrities and to start doing things that I enjoy, to a massive undertaking like vowing to stop reading so much and start writing my own

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