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Political Satire In America

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about what steps are next in the realm of immigration. President Trump has an issue with political satire because he has tweeted in the past at Alec Baldwin’s impersonation on “Saturday Night Live” was “unwatchable”, and that he had no “talent” (Trump). This sort of attention from the President of The United States creates mass attention and further allows the positive effects of satire to seep into American society and democracy. Although, the presidents view on satire is very low, it is sparking debate around the country and causing more skepticism within American journalism. Only 40% of the public trust the media to report “fully,accurately, and fairly”, which helps carves a spaces for comedians and satirists. Hoffman describes how satirists …show more content…
There are many successful satirists that aid the public in understanding bigger political issues like Stephen Colbert and John Oliver. On the contrary, there are other satirists that aim solely on the attack of the individual, while still back by humour, it’s effects can last longer and cut deeper. Jimmy Fallon began his career with comedy in mind and has since become a great comedian with many television shows to display his comedic ability. Fallon’s coverage of Trumps Immigration plans throughout 2017 seemed to only graze the surface of the complexity of the issue. Fallon stated that Trumps plan benefits those who speak english, so “tonight he had to deport himself”, and continuously mocked him. Fallon, like the others, do this, but where fallon differs is he doesn't focus his shows around politics, therefore causing a lack of information for the consumer. While strategic and well-planned out satire is beneficial for civic engagement, but unorganized and uncalculated shots at a person's character can lead to negative emotions about politics, lack of political engagement, and most detrimental: confirmation bias. Fallon pushes the line between effective satire and excessive humor to the point of it being offensive, which doesn't help the audience dissect important information and can lead them down a path of blind

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