...Trey Parker, creator of South Park, uses mockery to show how people can overreact in the episode “Two Days before the Day after Tomorrow.” In this episode the town of South Park was running away in terror from global warming. As people were running away they were shouting “It’s coming” or “Its right behind us” (Parker). One person even fell down and thought global warming had caught up with him and was killing him. They were treating global warming like it was some kind of monster that was chasing them. Global warming is not something that people can see or run away from. It is something that gradually happens over the course of many years. This is a juvenalian form of satire, because it ridicules how easily people will panic about something that is not really there. South Park uses mockery to describe the way people can overreact about something that is not an immediate...
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...Satire and Politics in 2007 The United States has had a history of great leaders. Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Truman, the list goes on and on. Right now, however, it appears that this is not the case. Our current President has one of the lowest approval ratings in the history of our country (Newsweek). However it is almost time for the Bush era to come to an end. With the upcoming Presidential Election, citizens pay more attention to politics, world affairs, and news shows than usual. There are many different sources of news ranging from television, newspapers, and the internet. With technology constantly changing, many young Americans turn to alternative sources for their news, and some researchers and politicians feel that this is a problem. These young Americans rely on satirical, or “fake news” shows, along with internet resources such as Youtube to get updated on current affairs, and learn about Presidential candidates. According to a survey done in 2004, Warner found that 50% of Americans between the ages of 18-29 get at least some of their news from shows like the Daily Show or the Colbert Report. This is a dramatic change compared to the 2000 research which showed that only 9% watched these programs. These “fake news” programs are shows such as, Comedy Central’s The Daily Show with John Stewart, and The Colbert Report. We investigated whether or not satirical news shows can actually influence a voter’s opinion about a political candidate. ...
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...humorists is not only to entertain, but to state the messages that might be dangerous to say directly. Satire such as Jonathan Smith’s A Modest Proposal helps to exemplify the fact that joking about a taboo subject humorously, will allow it to become more of an acceptable thing to say. Comedians also tend to exemplify this statement by humorously discussing controversial topics through their comedy routines. Satire such as Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal uses humor to “convey with impunity messages that might be dangerous or impossible to state directly”. He talks about a world where unwanted and malnourished children can be cooked and served to the higher ranked, wealthier people. Swift suggests that this could be the solution to the overpopulation and poverty problems the country is facing. By proposing this “plan” in a humorous, satirical way, it is seen as humorous comedy and not a socially unacceptable ideal. The way the satire is effectively used evokes conversation about the topic through a humorous proposal. This thought-evoking Davis 2 satire brings to light the actual problems that are plaguing the country (in this case, poverty and the separation between the rich and the poor). Another type of comedy that brings out the actual problems being faced by the world is the television show “The Colbert Report”. This popular TV show, hosted by Stephen Colbert, is a parody of a newscast. He incorporates the world-wide news, as well as popular news-worthy events...
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...The topic for my research project will be how a middle school eighth-grade classroom can learn about everyday satire through the study of songs such as “Three Cord Song” and “Repeat Stuff”. These two songs work to satirize everyday features in the form they appear, in particular, they satirize pop songs. This project will be composed of two main sections. There will be a lesson plan with resources that will demonstrate how the students will be learning the material and how they will be engaging with the songs. The other part will be an essay detailing the relationship between these songs, their form, and how they create an everyday type of satire. The essay will mainly be working with “Three Cord Song”, “Repeat Stuff”, “The Grammar of Motives”, The United States of Banana, The Colbert Report, and Attitudes to History. Other texts may be used infrequently to fully demonstrate or explain a point....
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...about what steps are next in the realm of immigration. President Trump has an issue with political satire because he has tweeted in the past at Alec Baldwin’s impersonation on “Saturday Night Live” was “unwatchable”, and that he had no “talent” (Trump). This sort of attention from the President of The United States creates mass attention and further allows the positive effects of satire to seep into American society and democracy. Although, the presidents view on satire is very low, it is sparking debate around the country and causing more skepticism within American journalism. Only 40% of the public trust the media to report “fully,accurately, and fairly”, which helps carves a spaces for comedians and satirists. Hoffman describes how satirists...
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...to print whatever they want without fact checking then print a small retraction the next day. The story I posted recently has drew a lot of criticism, you remember the one on the Republican Party hijacked by the religious right. We are both atheists so you know how I feel about religion in politics, there is separation of church, and state for a reason, and the religious right is making the GOP look nuttier every day. It was hard for me not to pull the story apart with my own non-secular beliefs. I tried to use different sites to illustrate the point but take a site like Matt Drudge’s “Drudge Report” and you might as well be validating the story without double-checking as they are of that bent. I tried to use Colbert Nation but it leaned too far to the other side and was satire at points. I really had to struggle and find balanced sites like BBC News and the like. We reports hold a lot of power in the system. People outright assume that everything we print is factual and accurate when it really comes down to the fact checkers and editors overseeing what we put to page. The press can take a situation from boiling point to riot with just one headline and can make an innocent man guilty with just a misprint. I know we all wanted to be Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein when we started out, but when did it become about the...
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...repeatedly calls himself the “genius voice of a generation,” poking fun at both his egotistic personality and his lack of skill at giving interviews.ii The well-known entertainment blog The Mo’Kelly Report snapped, “Don’t compare yourself to Michael Jordan if...
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...In George Orwell’s essay, “Politics and the English Language,”, he argues that the majority of political language and writing lack clarity, precision and purpose. According to him, the inability to write clearly has been a roadblock in the political process. Orwell summarizes that one must think and write clearly in order to communicate; once we communicate clearly, we can create political change. (note: Your interpretation is one way to interpret Orwell’s message. I also think that he is dissecting the Political language so people can recognize the faults and lies presented by writers/politicians. The general public may think they are excellent writers and are speaking/writing the truth. But in reality, Orwell is exposing the common rhetorical devices horrible writers manipulate to their advantage.) In human experience ,As Orwell clearly expresses, words are the most powerful vehicle for communication, as Orwell clearly expresses. Words call the unknown into action and create results that otherwise would have ceased to occur. For example, according to Christian faith, God called light “Day” and darkness “Night” in the story of Genesis. Behind words such as these, stem the thoughts that drive the cause. Orwell’s backing for this essay was clearly driven by the thought that there exists a decline in the language of political expression. The writing samples selected in Orwell’s essay, lack purpose and clarity, which initiate confusion for the reader, warranting...
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...Beso, Luiz Miguel B. BSE EN 2-1 Literature Students are asked to write literary analysis essays because this type of assignment encourages you to think about how and why a poem, short story, novel, or play was written. To successfully analyze literature, you’ll need to remember that authors make specific choices for particular reasons. Your essay should point out the author’s choices and attempt to explain their significance. Another way to look at a literary analysis is to consider a piece of literature from your own perspective. Rather than thinking about the author’s intentions, you can develop an argument based on any single term (or combination of terms) listed below. You’ll just need to use the original text to defend and explain your argument to the reader. Allegory - narrative form in which the characters are representative of some larger humanistic trait (i.e. greed, vanity, or bravery) and attempt to convey some larger lesson or meaning to life. Although allegory was originally and traditionally character based, modern allegories tend to parallel story and theme. William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily- the decline of the Old South Robert Louis Stevenson’s Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde- man’s struggle to contain his inner primal instincts District 9- South African Apartheid X Men- the evils of prejudice Harry Potter- the dangers of seeking “racial purity” Character - representation of a person, place, or thing performing traditionally human activities...
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...Credible Sources Newspapers and News Sites: These are categorized by typical bias, meaning they are organized by the conclusions they usually draw when examining the same facts. However, with these newspapers, you have little worry that the actual facts are in question. NEVER rely strictly on sources gathered from a single point of view. You must know the other side to counter-argue effectively at the very least. Liberal Conservative Huffington Post National Review National Public Radio (NPR) Drudge Report Time Wall Street Journal Slate New York Post Newsweek Washington Times US News and World Report Heritage Foundation Politico PJTV (Pajamas TV) New Yorker American Thinker Mother Jones American Spectator ACLU Forbes Harpers Stanford Review CBS Rush Limbaugh New York Times FOX News NBC (especially MSNBC) The American Conservative Mostly Centrist with Occasional Slant Libertarian CNN ACLU CSPAN (just shows the event) Ludwig Von Mises Reuters Reason Magazine PBS CATO Institute Real Clear Politics (both perspectives) Ayn Rand Foundation John Stossel, Reporter Milton Friedman,Economics Respected Think Tanks Always check their mission statement for bias or perspective, but these are known for accuracy in research even if they do cardstack and/or research from a biased perspective. They are helpful...
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...The Romantic Heart H. A. Black ENG/106 October 19, 2015 Debora Aubuchon The Romantic Heart Romanticism and Enlightenment were two viewpoints that culminated in the 17th and 18th centuries. These ways of thinking are varied in certain characteristics and aspects when compared side by side, but they also share some similarities. Many literary works from this era reflected the traits of one or both of these philosophical structures and often reflected or built upon earlier works of the same caliber. As most classical masterpieces do, the particular works that display attributes from the Enlightenment and Romantic philosophies have lent a proverbial stepping stone that - intentionally or unintentionally – led to influence on the modern world. First it is important to note the differences between Enlightenment and Romanticism. These two philosophies have always been at odds, one (Enlightenment) teaching that faith inhibits reason and the other (Romanticism) teaching that creativity and intuition allows individuals to unlock their true potential. Romanticism sought to celebrate people as individuals and encouraged the followers to express themselves, their point of views, and explore the different facets of their personalities. Enlightenment on the other hand saw people as a group and encouraged applicable rules and theories to fit one and all. These differences set the scene for some interesting literary works in the Enlightenment and Romantic era. Classic literary...
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...Ways of Preventing Students from Submitting Materials Written by Someone Else For Academic Credit While there is no magic bullet to prevent students from using the Internet in this manner, the following are ten tips to curb electronic cheating. Use anti-plagiarism websites. Sites like turnitin may be fast and effective at catching plagiarized writing in student's papers. These services scan uploaded essays for lifted material from across the web. Many teachers require students to submit their own papers to the site before handing in a hard copy, thus eliminating tedious work for the teacher while also discouraging plagiarism since students know their work will be checked. While these websites are quite effective at catching kids who rely on copy-and-paste rather than writing, they will not catch students who hire a writer or buy unpublished content. Rely heavily on in-class material. When assigning a paper, use material from the classroom in the prompt. It is far more difficult for a hired writer to incorporate material from a class they did not attend. Instead of asking for a basic character analysis of the Montague family, ask students to compare each character to a member of the class or the school. It's highly unlikely that a would-be cheater will find material on something so specific, or a writer for hire who is familiar with your class. Makes papers a continuation of discussion. Asking students to continue a discussion from class in their papers serves two purposes...
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...flow. When a newsbreak is completely used up, and the reader is still interested in it, it becomes possible to fill the vacant space with excogitation, and sometimes to make everything up from scratch. And thus pseudonews are born - materials that replicate the style of information resources, but they differ from the real news by satirical content. The graduation thesis is devoted to pseudonews in the modern media space. In the framework of this thesis web sites and printed sources with pseudonews content, which are located in the U.S., Europe and Belarus are analyzed. The applicability of the graduation thesis is determined on the one hand, by constantly presenting interest in news, and, on the other hand, by growing needs in humor and satire. There is...
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...AP EUROPEAN HISTORY NOTES- Filled with silliness and inside jokes, enjoy at your leisure :) If something is in [] brackets, it is only written in there for our pleasure, ignore it if you are looking for actual information. Key: • 7: The Renaissance and Reformation- 1350-1600 UMSUniversal o Georgio Vasari- Rinascita=rebirth (like Renaissance) painter/architect Male Suffrage o Individualism: People sought to receive personal credit for achievements, unlike medieval ideal of “all glory goes to god” Names Ideas o Renaissance: Began in Italian city-states, a cause de invention of the printing press, laid way for Protestant Reformation Events Books/Texts Italy: City states, under HRE (Holy Roman Empire) o For alliances: old nobility vs. wealthy merchants FIGHT P-Prussia Popolo: third class, “the people”, wanted own share of wealth/power R-Russia A-Austria Ciompi Revolts: 1378 Florence, Popolo were revolting [eew], brief period of control over government B-Britain Milan taken over by signor (which is a tyrant) • o Under control of the Condottiero (mercenary) Sforza- Significant because after this, a few wealthy families dominated Venice (e.g. Medici) Humanism: Francesco Petrarch (Sonnets), came up with term “Dark Ages”, began to study classical world of rhetoric and literature Cicero: Important Roman, provided account of collapse of Roman Republic [like Edward Gibbon], invented Ciceronian style: Latin style of writing...
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...Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Introduction Chapter 1 - Priming Chapter 2 - Confabulation Chapter 3 - Confirmation Bias Chapter 4 - Hindsight Bias Chapter 5 - The Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy Chapter 6 - Procrastination Chapter 7 - Normalcy Bias Chapter 8 - Introspection Chapter 9 - The Availability Heuristic Chapter 10 - The Bystander Effect Chapter 11 - The Dunning-Kruger Effect Chapter 12 - Apophenia Chapter 13 - Brand Loyalty Chapter 14 - The Argument from Authority Chapter 15 - The Argument from Ignorance Chapter 16 - The Straw Man Fallacy Chapter 17 - The Ad Hominem Fallacy Chapter 18 - The Just-World Fallacy Chapter 19 - The Public Goods Game Chapter 20 - The Ultimatum Game Chapter 21 - Subjective Validation Chapter 22 - Cult Indoctrination Chapter 23 - Groupthink Chapter 24 - Supernormal Releasers Chapter 25 - The Affect Heuristic Chapter 26 - Dunbar’s Number Chapter 27 - Selling Out Chapter 28 - Self-Serving Bias Chapter 29 - The Spotlight Effect Chapter 30 - The Third Person Effect Chapter 31 - Catharsis Chapter 32 - The Misinformation Effect Chapter 33 - Conformity Chapter 34 - Extinction Burst Chapter 35 - Social Loafing Chapter 36 - The Illusion of Transparency Chapter 37 - Learned Helplessness Chapter 38 - Embodied Cognition Chapter 39 - The Anchoring Effect Chapter 40 - Attention Chapter 41 - Self-Handicapping Chapter 42 - Self-Fulfilling Prophecies Chapter 43 - The Moment Chapter 44 - Consistency...
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