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'Three Cord Song And Repeat Stuff'

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The topic for my research project will be how a middle school eighth-grade classroom can learn about everyday satire through the study of songs such as “Three Cord Song” and “Repeat Stuff”. These two songs work to satirize everyday features in the form they appear, in particular, they satirize pop songs. This project will be composed of two main sections. There will be a lesson plan with resources that will demonstrate how the students will be learning the material and how they will be engaging with the songs. The other part will be an essay detailing the relationship between these songs, their form, and how they create an everyday type of satire. The essay will mainly be working with “Three Cord Song”, “Repeat Stuff”, “The Grammar of Motives”, The United States of Banana, The Colbert Report, and Attitudes to History. Other texts may be used infrequently to fully demonstrate or explain a point. …show more content…
They predominantly focus on parody and contradiction to create an argument that pop songs are overly commercialized, redundant, and meaningless. However, I wish to explore this connection between parodying the form of a media, idea, etc. to create satire and our inner reflections on the subject being satirized. I will be researching how from and frame impact the way we approach, interpret, and rationalize our understanding of a satirical piece. At the same time, I am going to use examples from The United States of Banana and a few other smaller works to see how copying the form of everyday culture effects the way the satirical argument

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