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Michigan Football History

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“Damn you, Bo, you’ll never win a bigger game,” Woody Hayes exclaimed, years later at a banquet, in reference to Michigan’s win over Ohio State in 1969. The Michigan football program saw great change in 1969, under new coach Bo Schembechler. While the season proved to be ordinary, an 8-3 record overall, it started the ‘Ten Year War’ between Schembechler and Hayes and rejuvenated the Michigan football program. The 1969 Michigan win over Ohio State remains as one of the greatest upsets in college football history which, is one reason I would want to be in attendance. Additionally, this game had a huge societal impact in its ability to launch big time college football and the ideals that come along with it. In 1968 Ohio State beat Michigan …show more content…
College football was launched into a direction that no one had ever seen before, soon conferences, rivalries, and commercialization became key facets of college football. The ideas, traditions, and values that college football emphasizes today were started in the game in 1969. The upset over Ohio State brought a wave of excitement for college sports especially football, all across the nation. This level of eagerness for football allowed athletic directors, such as Don Canham to begin the commercialization of their program. By 1970, Canham had placed the Michigan logo on anything he could sell, he even managed to trademark the block ‘M’. Other universities were quick to follow in his footsteps, eventually every athletic department was running like a business, being sure to capitalize on the excitement that the nation felt for college football. The effects of this can be seen today where every aspect of college sport is commercialized and sponsored, whether or not this is a positive effect is debatable. However, there is no doubt that this is a result of that classic rivalry Michigan Ohio State game in

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