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Donald Trump: Immigration Ban

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Name: Sukhjit Sandhu

Analyzing Editorial Cartoons Assignment

Analysis Questions Donald Trump: Immigration Ban
1. Describe the action taking place in the cartoon and identify any key objects or persons. The action taking place in the cartoon is:
Donald Trump, who is represented as Frankenstein, is set free after the GOP has created him and starts walking towards the public, saying “Immigration Bad!”, “Mexican Rapists!”, Mexican Criminals!”, “Mexican Drug Dealers!”, “Fire!”, “Fire!”, “You’re Fired!” On the other hand, the GOP is standing there holding jumper cables and saying “To be fair, we did kind of create him!” Also, a member of the Tea Party is standing beside the GOP, holding his brain.
Persons/Objects portrayed …show more content…
Also, to understand why the Tea Party is in the cartoon, they would need to know that the Tea party is a political movement that is a part of the Republican Party.

Readers also need to know about the things that Donald Trump had said in public speaking’s and previous presidential debates to understand why he wants to ban immigration and why he is against the Mexicans.
4. Describe how the cartoonist exaggerates the physical features of the person or object. The cartoonist exaggerates the physical features of Donald Trump by making him bigger in size in contrast to the two others standing beside him and gives him Frankenstein like features such as the tilted head and twisted fingers. The cartoonist exaggerates Donald Trump as a monster.
5. What impact does the exaggeration have on the message?

The impact of the exaggeration is to show the type of person Donald Trump is. From examining the cartoon, readers can clearly recognize Donald Trump as a monster who will bring about physical harm and mental fear. The cartoonist is sending a warning to all American voters to not vote for Trump other wise you may have to face America’s bad …show more content…
A good candidate is one who is not racist, sexist, mean, exclusive, etc. However, Trump is the complete opposite because he is racist to Muslim’s and Mexicans, specifically by calling them terrorists and drug dealers and is being mean to them and others.

I believe his views are not courteous political views but views of dangerous impulse and contemptuous pandering. Trump goes on about stopping ISIS and strengthening national security, but he has yet to reveal a plan. Thus, I believe that Trump is saying persuasive things to get people to support him, but will not actually do anything once he is elected.

Also, by insulting and threatening Mexicans and Muslims, Trump is creating enemies that may seek revenge if Trump becomes president and takes action against them. This could possibly put the lives of the citizens in America in danger (Example, 9/11) and instill fear in them. Trump's incendiary anti-Muslim comments will surely be used by ISIS social media to demonize the United States and attract recruits to fight in Iraq and Syria," said David Phillips, who is director of the Program on Peace-Building and Rights at Columbia University's Institute for the Study of Human Rights. Therefore, he may increase terrorism rather than stop

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