...Abstract: This dissertation examines the intersection of Donald Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric with racialized nationalism and the role of media in shaping public attitudes toward immigration in the United States. This research seeks to answer the following question: How does the immigration discourse articulated by Trump through racial and nationalist lenses become magnified in media representations, and what does this have to do with political polarization and public opinion? Based on the comprehensive review of prior literature, this research explores how Trump's rhetoric on immigration has perpetuated a racialized, exclusionary political discourse that shapes both public attitudes and partisan alignments. By means of selective exposure...
Words: 4518 - Pages: 19
...and a total of 14 Republicans, but the decision still stands, which one? For this research paper, I will research Donald Trump and explain whether he's a valuable contender to become the next president of the United States or not. Donald Trump was born in Queens, New York, where his hopes and dreams were realized. Trump began his quest by helping out in his father’s real estate company where he focused on middle class rental housing in Brooklyn (Biographies).As...
Words: 1309 - Pages: 6
...inauguration of Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States will be recalled in future textbooks as an example of racism in the nation affecting politics. Throughout the primary campaign season, Trump did not carry himself with the respect that a politician should while running for president. Trump took a different route: he decided to inflame racist feelings throughout the nation in order to win. In this essay, I will argue that Donald Trump leveraged racism to win by provoking feelings of fear among some Americans. I believe that when people are afraid they will act and in this case, their actions enabled Trump’s presidential victory. Moreover,...
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...tired, your poor,/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/(...)Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me” (10-14). The statue is essentially taking away all the stresses and misfortunes that those traveling to America have endured, making it seem like they have a chance to make it in the New World and give them an opportunity to forget what they have gone through and begin again. Lazarus’ poem makes the Statue into a symbol for comfortability and sanctuary, thus making America a home for those who have lost theirs. Currently, however, under the dictatorial regime of Donald Trump, the United States has been transformed from a country of love and freedom to one of persecution and hate. Borders have been closed, groups of people have been banned from entering the country, and people who have found America to be a home for them in times of need are unable to feel safe anymore. It is entirely unfair to ban entire groups of people from entering a country, especially when that country was founded upon the notion of religious and political freedom. The idea of total freedom of beliefs and identity is one that dates back to the founding of this country. The First Amendment of the Constitution explicitly protects the expression of people’s beliefs. It states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and...
Words: 1815 - Pages: 8
...counties listed in Trump's order since 9/11. Bennett said she didn't know”. "The answer is none," Robert said. "You're here arguing we have to protect from these individuals from these countries, and there's no support for that." Logos – The Judge uses logic to question the validly of President Trump’s “travel ban”. It would make logical sense to “ban” immigrants from the United States that are from countries who have attacked us after 9/11. This rhetorical Strategy shows the court and the American people that President Donald Trump’s travel ban is either logically irresponsible or a ploy to target people of Islam faith. 2. “will...
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...exactly is in their best interest to do. Fear is built to brings peoples attention to a problematic situation and to come up with a solution for it. Fear also doesn’t exist without evidence, especially in today’s day and age. There has to be a driving force behind those fears. Many would argue that the multiple terrorist attacks on western countries are the cause of fear against refugees. Allec Brust, author of “Trump’s immigration plan is fear-mongering”, would argue that it is not these...
Words: 944 - Pages: 4
...Trumps Immigration Ban Trump’s immigration ban has violated many people’s human rights. Some of these rights include “We are equal and free right, don’t discriminate right, and No unfair detainment right”. Trump is being unfair with people that come from other races that come from other countries live a better life and to live the American dream. The first right that is being violated by Trump’s Immigration Ban is the “We are equal and free right”. We are all born free. We all have our own thoughts and ideas. We should all be treated the same way. Trump has prohibited people that come from other countries to not get In the U.S. He thinks that all Indians are terrorists but that’s not true. These people don’t have any rights or freedom in...
Words: 371 - Pages: 2
...Currently, seven presidential candidates are running for president this year, one being Donald Trump. Leadership can be defined as; leading a group of people or organization. Donald Trump is a wealthy businessman, politician, and television personality with many different qualities that shape him into a good leader. Many people may argue that Donald Trump’s lack of a filter makes him a bad leader, but a closer examination shows that he exhibits confidence, charisma, and cleverness, making him an effective leader. Donald Trump exhibits a strength in confidence which can be a valuable quality for being an effective leader in both business and politics. Paul Glatzhofer claims, “Regardless of your viewpoint though it takes a confident person to be able to lead others effectively... It is a critical part of business, particularly when you are regularly involved in complex negotiations.” With...
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...Editorial Cartoons Assignment Analysis Questions Donald Trump: Immigration Ban 1. Describe the action taking place in the cartoon and identify any key objects or persons. The action taking place in the cartoon is: Donald Trump, who is represented as Frankenstein, is set free after the GOP has created him and starts walking towards the public, saying “Immigration Bad!”, “Mexican Rapists!”, Mexican Criminals!”, “Mexican Drug Dealers!”, “Fire!”, “Fire!”, “You’re Fired!” On the other hand, the GOP is standing there holding jumper cables and saying “To be fair, we did kind of create him!” Also, a member of the Tea Party is standing beside the GOP, holding his brain. Persons/Objects portrayed...
Words: 1587 - Pages: 7
...of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime”(Donald Trump, “Donald Trump’s Presidential Announcement Speech”). According to the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, in this quote Trump was able to falsely single out Mexican immigrants as the cause of socio-economic problems plaguing white working class voters(Blakey). Trump was then able to swoop in and provide the seemingly simple solution of building a wall. This gave voters the ‘flattering’ impression that he understands their problems and has a surefire solution. President Trump also flattered voters by promising to redistribute power to the people. For instance, in his inauguration speech he...
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...Robert Leonard’s essay “Why Rural America Voted For Trump,” provides insight from a person who has liberal views about the rural-urban divide in the United States considering Donald Trump’s presidency. Many Americans have split views on what Trump will and will not do in office considering the social and economic issues. The concerns of unemployment, immigration, and the well-being of future citizens was discussed. Also, the Democrat versus Republican gap was examined and each sides views were expressed with Leonard’s interpretation on why citizens trailed President Trump. JC Watts says, “The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans believe people are fundamentally bad, while Democrats see people as fundamentally good…”...
Words: 817 - Pages: 4
...“Make America great again”, exclaims the giant orange bigot. “I did not delete those emails”, insists the wealth pirate. Secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, has several years of prior experience in politics. However, Donald Trump is a mere businessman with no affiliation with public affairs. Although presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are obviously horrible choices for this year's election, there are many differences and similarities amongst the two. They have different views on immigration, how their campaign is run, and their character. Both candidates favor the idea of a secure and stronger border, but they have their own ways of tackling this key issue. On that note, Trump calls for deportations of millions of undocumented immigrants, a wall to seclude people from entering the United States, and migrant bans. One of Trump’s most iconic proposals is his wall, which he...
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...Hillary Clinton is in favor of immigration reforms that would make it much easier for immigrants to enter the country. She proposes to continue what is being done now with DREAMers, DACA and DAPA. If the DREAM Act had been passed, in some instances children who were illegally brought into the country and went to an American school could be given legal status. The act was not passed. DREAMers are the children who would qualify, but have not been given to a legal status. Clinton will pass the DREAM Act if she is elected. (1)DACA stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. This means that if an illegal immigrant came to the country as a child and apply to the guidelines they can ask for deferred action. Deferred action means that they are applying for their removal or...
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...of the political hierarchy to the bottom, all officials in law are accountable for their actions by other branches of government. Starting with Roosevelt to Nixon to Trump, to name but a few, presidents have always been highly scrutinized for their behavior, but for good reason: a president’s endowed ability to make Executive Orders, for example, has been a topic of contention in the recent months, throughout the war on terror, and even since Japanese internment during World War II. With his words as literal law, the President can command anything within a legal boundary, provided it is subjected to judicial review. However, in the case that the Constitution’s clauses are perverted, like with FDR’s irrational Executive Order 9066 and Donald Trump’s unconstitutional Executive Order 13769, “the people are the rightful masters of Congress and the courts” and can hold them liable to their actions. Through our mistakes in 1942, it is made evident that combatting terror with the discrimination and persecution of those, not just at home, while also signing unjust Executive Orders in the name of national security, is not an effective method to keeping Americans safe whilst juggling their rights around at the same time. Around the time that the attack on Pearl Harbor was enacted, America had mixed feelings on whether or not to enter WWII as a combatant nation. Public opinion was divided between getting dragged into another long campaign or sitting idly on the sidelines. Having been the...
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...United States, Donald Trump, has openly expressed his views against foreigners entering this country. Immigration to the United States has been a contentious topic of discussion recently. As more Muslims gravitate towards our country, many questions and concerns are surfacing. U.S citizens do not have any way of knowing the true intentions of the immigrating Muslims. Could welcoming Muslims here put us and the Constitution in danger? Is it morally wrong to block them all out? What could be a solution, if any? In his The National Review article, "Trump's Muslim Immigration Ban Should Touch Off a Badly Needed Discussion," Andrew McCarthy's thesis is that the United States' immigration policy will not be practical if we only treat Islam as a religion and do not acknowledge the dangers sharia could potentially bring here. McCarthy has three main points to his argument. First, McCarthy states Islam is not solely a religion. Since there is no division between church and state, Islam is a system that defines politics, in contrast to our Constitution. Next, the United States is not constitutionally obligated to welcome immigrants into the country. We have the right to reject...
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