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Private License Plate Scanners

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When it comes to personal privacy, many feel their privacy is invaded due to the fact that private companies can scan and sell their license plates without their consent. In the article, “Private License Plate Scanners Amassing Vast Databases Open to Highest Bidders” infers that license plate scanners are a very negative technological device for the community. Next, the publication In These Times, a progressive activism journal out of Chicago, persuades in their article, “Who Has the Right to Track You” that taking pictures violates the first amendment of being able to use freedom of speech. These alternative viewpoints are presented quite differently such as article one is more of a informitive unlike article two where it tries to persude …show more content…
They primarily focus on ethos and logos to inform the reader statistics about this controversial issue with an addition of ethical behavior. In paragraph seven, the author uses the phrases, “the banks want it” and “(the plates) give them so much value” to influence reader’s skepticism of scanners. This technique is especially useful to anyone who drives a vehicle because banks are selling your information. In addition, the author uses personal ethical behavior and stats throughout the article. For example, the scanners have specific “target environments” such as low income neighborhoods. They also release over 69,000 license plate numbers every month. This is very effective because it shows that these police departments are stereotyping their community and showing a vast majority of people’s cars are being scanned for living in a poor community. For instance, the author of the RT article intentionally uses words like “few limits,” “Privacy threats” and “practice trespassing” in order to inform the audience that this affects their lives. The use of such language engages the reader and forces them to think about the impact of scanners. Working together, the rhetorical devices, the style, and the word choice creates a condescending tone for in the hopes that the article will spark their interest about scanners and what can be done to prevent or enforce …show more content…
This article uses all of the rhetorical appeals in attempt to convince the reader this is bad for our economy. For example, the article introduces the phrases “Everyone has a First Amendment to take these photos” and “captures data on over 50 million cars each month” to contribute to the reader’s perspective on how widely these scanners are used across the U.S. Beyond just rhetorical appeals, another style of choice of the author is the use of personal ethical stories and data to support their opinion. For example, in a lawsuit against Utah over license scanners, they use the first amendment to help justify their side to win. This shows the reader that you can fight back in more ways than the polls. By using words like “lawsuit,” “legal pushbacks,” and “dissemination” the author is attempting to bash these companies for violating privacy, laws, and amendments. This language is powerful to a certain audience because it shows legal action is being imposed against them. Overall, this has established an aggravated tone with primary goal of attempting to persuade the readers that these scanners are harmful to your

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