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Biology Chapter 11-21 Summary

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Summary of Chapters 11-21

Bateson started to hypothesize that evolution came about due to the loss of genes, and then, after the loss of genes, recombination occurred. From the work of Roentgen, Stevens, Seguy, Quenisset, and Frieben, related to X-rays, Mavor was able to show, in Drosophila, that exposure to X-rays increased the frequency of nondisjunction. In 1938, Bridges used Painter’s drawings to develop a system for describing each band.
After many years of exploring what caused male determination, Jacobs and Strong showed that mammals are, in fact, similar to Melandrium, where the Y is the male-determining chromosome. Lewis showed that position effect is not dependent on how the chromosomes are positioned. From this study, the terms cis and trans were introduced into the genetics vocabulary. Landsteiner’s work with blood determination allowed Decastello and Sturli to form the common ABO blood grouping system. The work of Garrod and metabolic pathways allowed Beadle, Tatum, Winge, Avery, and others to increase our current knowledge on the subject. …show more content…
Woodruff and Erdmann conducted one of the most significant studies on ciliates where they described autogamy. Correns described the first case of maternal inheritance in Mirabilis, which allowed Rhoades to describe a similar phenomenon in maize. Galton began looking at the genetics behind twins and concluded there are two types of twins, monozygotic and dizygotic. Genetics is seen as one of the most interesting disciplines, since it interacts with a variety of other specialties, such as

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