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Sugary Drinks Effects On Children Research Paper

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Are sugary drinks really bad for children and adolescents health? Sugar-sweetened beverages portion sizes have risen dramatically over the past 40 years and children are consuming more sugary drinks than ever. This issue has been a result of the obesity widespread as well as one of the leading causes of tooth decay in children. While some sugar-sweetened beverages contain vitamins and minerals to indicate that they are healthier, parents should encourage children to consume healthier drinks rather than sugary drinks because they can cause dental problems, increases the chances of health related issues as well as cause weight gain which leads to childhood obesity. What is a sugary drink? A sugary drink is defined as any beverage that is sweetened with naturally-derived caloric …show more content…
Enamel will leave the teeth brittle and sensitive to pain. The breakdown of enamel can cause bacteria to invade which leads to tooth decay. Secondly, it increases your chances for health related issues. The sucrose and high fructose syrup that’s in the sugary drinks contribute to health issues. These drinks have adverse effects on children bones. Sugary drinks lowers bone marrow density and increases the risk for bone fractures. This puts the child at risk for developing osteoporosis later in life. Also insulin levels are increased when sugary drinks are consumed. These increased insulin levels can lead to cardiovascular disease caused by high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. Almost 60% of overweight children had at least one cardiovascular disease risk factor and 25% of overweight children had two or more cardiovascular disease risk factors. Asthma, sleep apnea, and type II diabetes are less common health conditions associated with obesity from excessive consumption of sugary

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