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Avocado Tree Analysis

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It has been approximately fourteen years since my roots dug into this familiar, brown, soil. I was once a small avocado seed planted into the ground; fed with sunlight, water, and compost. From a seed to a root, from a root to a sprout, the beginning stages of my development passed without any difficulties. I was surrounded by a plethora of plant life. I was aware that a lemon sprout was growing a few yards away and sensed that I was in a land full of vegetation. Green grass and colorful flowers bloomed from all directions. In the early stages of my growth as an avocado tree, I began to better sense and respond to chemicals in the air. I knew that my existence was essential because other organisms depended on me for their survival. The multitude of bees, the squirrels, and even the spiders, found food and shelter within my branches. I could sense the positivity and peace emitting from a creature, that used to produce such beautiful noise for ten minutes a day while rubbing my trunk. The animals in the sky chirped along, and all was well. I wanted to bear fruit just to please it. I was very dependent on this creature to water and feed me. It was always when the …show more content…
As the years passed and as I grew into a full tree, the lovely noise stopped and water and nutrients decreased. Some days I starved waiting on the creature to deposit me nutrients. I sensed that it was time for me to become more reliant on my self because I had to survive so other creatures and organisms that depended on me can also live. I had to think strategically because all of my flowers were being devoured by squirrels and the leaves were being eaten by the caterpillars. Instead of allowing nutrients and energy to go towards reviving leaves that were already chewed, I decided to stop it all together and put that energy towards keeping my seeds

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